Italy 24 Press News

the restoration of the Baptismal Font has been completed

SIENA – The Siena Metropolitan Opera and the Archdiocese of Siena, Colle di Val d’Elsa and Montalcino, have announced the return to the public of the recently restored baptismal font of the Cathedral of Siena. From the June 25thafter three years of intense and meticulous conservation interventions, the sculptural masterpiece created by Donatello, Jacopo della Quercia, Ghiberti and Giovanni di Turino will be visible again.

The restoration of the baptismal font was carried out with techniques advanced by the staff of the Opera della Metropolitana of Siena and the Opificio delle Pietre Dure of Florence. This complex work was initially led by Marco Ciattie subsequently from Emanuela Daffra. Supervision was entrusted to officials of Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Siena, Grosseto and Arezzo, with the collaboration of restorers and university professors.

A Renaissance masterpiece

The baptismal font is an extraordinary work in marble, bronze and enamelled coppermade between 1417 and 1431 by the most important sculptors of the early Renaissance. Consisting of one hexagonal basin with six gilded bronze mirrors depicting the life of Saint John the Baptistthe Fonte features statues of the virtues, including Faith and Hope Of Donatello. The Baptism of Jesus Of Ghiberti and the Herod’s Banquet Of Donatello they are among the most representative scenes.

Importance of restoration

Restoration required detailed scientific investigations and high skills, especially for the gilded bronze works and the marble elements. An in-depth study was necessary to ensure the stability of the structure and improve environmental conditions for conservation. Thanks to these interventions, new discoveries and details of the works have come to light, also contributing to their preservation for the future.

The cardinal Augusto Paolo Lojudicearchbishop of Siena, Colle di Val d’Elsa and Montalcino, underlined the spiritual and historical importance of the baptismal font: “For a Christian, a new life is born with baptism, and the baptismal font of the Siena cathedral has seen many generations of Siena ‘born to a new life’.”

Emanuela DaffraSuperintendent of OPD, said: “Confronting such a complex and significant work for the history of art is always difficult. The challenge was to maintain the completeness and original purpose of the Source, while ensuring constant monitoring to preserve this masterpiece.”


It is possible to visit the Baptistery every day from 10am to 7pm

Info and reservations: [email protected] – +39 0577 286300

The visit to the Baptistery includes entry to the Cathedral, the Piccolomini Bookshop, the Opera Museum, the Panorama from the Facade and the Crypt.

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