Italy 24 Press News

The 24/25 Season “COLPO DI SCENE” arrives at the Teatro Del Monaco in Treviso

Filippo Dini, the artistic director of the Fondazione Teatro Stabile del Veneto, presents the program of the 24/25 Season to the Treviso public

An extra day scheduled for all 12 subscription titles, shows on stage from Thursday to Sunday
The inauguration of the season on November 7th with Much ado about nothing directed by Veronica Cruciani and Lodo Guenzi on stage
Dini, in the role of actor and director, brings to Treviso Terrible relatives his first production signed for TSV
Expected actresses and actors loved by the general public such as Giuliana De Sio, Valerio Binasco, Luca Barbareschi, Paolo Fresu, Gianni Fantoni and Maria Amelia Monti
The “Fuoriserie” event brings Andrea Pennacchi, Alessandro Preziosi and Lino Guanciale to the stage as well as the return of the Mythos. The classical theater festival

He arrives at the Teatro Del Monaco “plot twist”. After meeting the audiences of the Venetian and Padua theaters, this evening the Foundation Teatro Stabile del Veneto-Teatro Nazionale has concluded the carousel of presentations of the new season together with Municipality of Treviso revealing to the public the 24/25 billboard of the Teatro Del Monaco. They were on stage to welcome the spectators the culture councilor Maria Teresa De Gregoriothe general manager of the Veneto building Claudia Marcolin and the artistic director Filippo Dini. The event was hosted by Valeria Forgavewhile the artistic director told the public the program of his first season for the Teatro Stabile del Veneto in an evening of conviviality which was enriched by a performance with the young actors of Tema Academy led by Giovanna Cordova.

«We are proud of this new season of prose, a real tribute to the centrality of the Teatro Del Monaco as an invaluable resource for Treviso culture», the words of theCouncilor for Culture of the Municipality of Treviso, Maria Teresa De Gregorio. «A program characterized not only by the great quality of the shows offered but also by an increasingly strong and consolidated relationship with the surrounding cities and territories, thanks to projects that have connected the Teatro Stabile del Veneto with universities, schools, businesses, the museums, dioceses and many other cultural institutions and public and private bodies. I firmly believe in networks between cultural institutions and in close collaboration between all cultural realities for a rich and diversified offer that responds to the needs of our community and attracts an increasingly wider audience. In this sense, together with the Teatro Stabile, a program of the highest level has been created which responds to the objectives of involvement, participation and links that the Municipality and Teatro Stabile have set themselves”.

The 24/25 billboard

The billboard 24/7 presents a program of 12 subscription titles and, thanks to the success of the past season and the growth in the number of subscribers, +62% compared to the previous one, inaugurates the transition from three to four evenings, from Thursday to Sunday, for all shows. The show will raise the curtain of the new season Much ado about nothing (7>10 Nov), a co-production by TSV directed by Veronica Cruciani with protagonists Lodo Guenzi And Sara Putignano in a saraband of misunderstandings between lovers and rapid-fire plot twists. The second subscription title features the new artistic director Filippo Diniin the role of actor and director, with his first production signed for the Stabile del Veneto: Terrible Relatives Of Jean Cocteaua bourgeois drama, a cruel cross-section of society which after its national premiere in Padua arrives in Treviso from 28 November to 1 December.

The program develops along the double axis of the words of the present, with seven titles that stage proposals linked to contemporary dramaturgy, and classical inspirations, which address pillars of theater and literature of all times. Starting from the two TSV productions which talk about families and dysfunctional relationships, albeit using light tones which also lead us to laugh at the abysses into which humanity sometimes sinks nowadays, through the words of Lucia Calamaro with Human types sitting indoors (6>9 Mar) and the Australian Andrew Bovell with his success Things I know to be true (16>19 Jan) played by Giuliana De Sio And Valerio Binascohere also as director.

The list of hosted shows is very rich, with leading national and international authors and multidisciplinary proposals, starting from Paolo Fresugrappling with an absolute myth of jazz of all time, which has always been his source of inspiration, as Miles (Davis) scheduled for December 12th to 15th. From the big screen then come two Italian texts that use laughter as a weapon to face contemporary obsessions: in an unexpected crossover between cinema and theater the director Davide Livermore with the show Fantozzi. A tragedy (30 Jan>2 Feb) brings to the stage an authentic Italian tragicomic mask, invented and interpreted by Paolo Villaggio, which features the protagonist Gianni Fantoni. Also between the real world and cinematic fiction is the proposal of Edoardo Erba who, in his latest play entitled Tear to the regulationto (3>6 Apr), builds on the dazed characteristics of Maria Amelia Monti the story of a character who literally leaves the big screen, tired of continually repeating the role of victim in the thriller in which she is the protagonist. Moving on to the international front, the Treviso program hosts two great authors such as the American David Mamet with the show November (10>13 Apr) which features the protagonist Luca Barbareschi and New Zealander Anthony McCarten with The two popes with Mariano Rigillo And Giorgio Colangeli (8>11 May).

The other direction of the 2024/2025 Season, dedicated to classic inspirations, in addition to those already mentioned Much ado about nothing And Terrible relatives, presents The Glass Menagerie (20>23 Feb) of Tenessee Williams, a TSV production signed by Pierluigi Pizzi with protagonist Mariangela D’AbbraccioL’Iliad (13>16 Mar) by Homer with Alessio Bonie Anna Karenina (27>30 Mar) by Leo Tolstoy with Galatea Ranzi directed by Luca De Fusco.


The Fuoriserie poster shows the events of Mythos Festival, which mix the present with classical theater, putting the theme of the hero at the center. Also on the program is the epic tale ofOdyssey (15>16 Apr) with Andrea Pennacchi. An unpublished story about Gabriele D’Annunzio is also inserted around the figure of the hero, The poet and his diva (21 Jan) written by Giordano Bruno Guerri for Alessandro Preziosi on the occasion of the celebrations for the centenary of Eleonora Duse, and the portrait dedicated to Napoleon (15>16 May) with Linen Pillow. The second strand offers three shows that highlight the obsessions of the 21st century, bringing to the stage monologues with highly autobiographical features interpreted by three very popular actors such as Pierpaolo Spollon with I don’t know what I’m trying to say (11 Jan), Vinicio Marchioni with In vino veritas (25 Jan) And Chiara Francini with Strong and Clear (Feb 27). Among the custom-built cars also the Big Vocal Orchestra with A Million Dreams (Jan 6).

The program will then be enriched with the titles of project for schoolsfeaturing reruns of the show Perpetual peace (6>7 Dec) by Juan Mayorga directed by Carlo Orlando and some matinees with a selection from the season’s proposals, while they are still in definition the contents of the opera and concert season of the Monaco Theatre, the dance program and the Sunday “Families at the Theatre” series.

Digitalisation, inclusion and sustainability

With the aim of best satisfying the role that a National Theater must assume in the process of socialization and listening to its communities, the Fondazione Teatro Stabile del Veneto, after the interventions in the theaters and the experimental activities launched last season, consolidates projects aimed at increase social, cultural inclusion and accessibility. A selection of is confirmed on the 24/25 billboard shows (Terrible relatives, Things I know to be true) accessible to the deaf and blind public thanks to the use of subtitles and audio descriptions. Even the guided tours of the theaters are finally opening up to the public with disabilities thanks to the identification of accessible routes and the creation of tactile tours.

The project to reduce the use of paper also continues with the reduction in the number of printed season programs and the promotion of exclusively digital hall sheets for some shows. This is just one of the objectives that the TSV has set itself through a process digital transformation and of technological innovation which affects different aspects of the theatrical experience, from production to its enjoyment. On the other hand, the results of the new website make the process of dematerialisation of tickets and season tickets tangible: in the 23/24 season over 60% of tickets were sold online on the new TSV e-commerce site. It is therefore a set of actions that tell the direction taken towards the transformation into a more sustainable theatre.


Starting Tuesday 25 June the pre-emption period opens for the renewal of subscriptions, which can be done not only at the ticket office but also online. The new season tickets on free seats, however, will be available for purchase starting from 16 July in Treviso. Purchasing a season ticket not only allows for savings of around 30% on individual tickets, but also gives season ticket holders for the new season the possibility of accessing discounted rates for shows also scheduled in the other TSV venues, Venice and Padua. The TSV project is also restarting which allows university students from the Veneto to come to the theater with a ticket at the symbolic cost of €5.

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