Italy 24 Press News

In Sanremo 57% of voters did not go to vote. Cassini: “Topic to reflect on” –

Finish them elections the moment of taking stock arrives, with which the results that have been achieved are evaluated. And doing an analysis there is certainly one piece of data that catches the eye: they only went to vote on 43.23% of those entitled to vote, therefore not even half of the Sanremo residents went to the polls for the run-off; and of those who went, 342 voters cast a blank ballot.

In the end he won Alessandro Mager with 9,917 votes, 460 more than Gianni Rolandobut this means that the new mayor of the city was chosen by just under 22% of those entitled to vote in Sanremo, just over one in five, compared to 56.77% of the electorate who decided to stay at home. Without forgetting that what made the difference was the agreement between Mager and Fulvio Fellegara.

The appeals launched between the first and second rounds by both candidates were therefore useless, with a drop of 12% of the overall and over 20% among those who went to the polls on 8 and 9 June.

Obviously we are not talking about a fact that only affects Sanremo (the national average turnout for the ballot did not reach the 48%), but it remains a value to reflect on to try to repair a general mistrust towards politics, especially local politics, as various figures also underline.

Between these Daniela Cassini, former councilor and member of the Sanremo Insieme group, who comments on these numbers on his social profiles, urging the mayor to discuss the future of the city: “With these data there is nothing to be happy about due to the evident disaffection with the vote, even in the municipal, the closest election to us! Lack of civic commitment, little attractiveness of the proposals in the field, awareness of the lack of real change, perception of a politics distant from the people and close only to the elites? Something to think about.”

Now reflections on this will probably begin, but an important question remains to be answered, namely why the majority of voters in the municipal elections “voted” for abstentionism in the runoff.

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