Italy 24 Press News

three young people miraculously saved in Castiglione della Pescaia Il Tirreno

CASTIGLIONE DELLA PESCAIA. An accident on the Padule road, fortunately without injuries, makes the problem of animals on the roads once again extremely topical.

The Asaps animal accident observatory has put Tuscany first in the last two years. Maremma contributes substantially to this record.

In the night between Sunday and Monday on the Padule road in the municipality of Castiglione delle Pescaia a car, with three boys on board, overturned to avoid hitting a wild boar that suddenly emerged from the side of the road. Only by a miracle did the three young people escape unscathed.

It brings to mind what happened at the end of the year to a resident of Albinia who, around a bend on the Aurelia state road, while returning home, found herself faced with a wild boar which she was unable to avoid. She’s a car that’s practically worth throwing away and a one-week prognosis.

The uncontrolled presence of ungulates has always been a safety problem that concerns everyone.
Wild boars, fallow deer, roe deer and mouflons not only devastate farmers’ crops but are a danger to road traffic, urban areas and public health.

Coldiretti Toscana, months ago, drew up a map of the most at-risk roads, including for the province of Grosseto the Via Aurelia in the sections between the capital and Albinia, the Strada provinciale Montiano and the SR 74 Maremmana. But as we saw Sunday night, the Hogs can be behind any curve.

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