Italy 24 Press News

Varese, 4 million euros and 20 kilometers of roads: here is the asphalt plan

VARESE – Almost 20 km of new asphalt for an investment of four million euros. This is the scope of the great intervention that the Municipality will start in the first days of July starting from the streets of the ring around the center with the construction site also having to work at night to try to reduce inconvenience and shorten intervention times.

It will therefore be a summer of major works on the city’s roads because the asphalting intervention will concern almost 130 thousand square meters of roads, including main, secondary and pedestrian routes.

Galimberti launches the Plan

«As we said in recent months – explains Mayor Galimberti – thanks to the closing of the deficit, today we have the necessary resources to start a major asphalting project on the city’s roads. Work that will take up the whole summer, the best time to carry out these interventions, also due to the less traffic on the roads, with schools closed and fewer cars in circulation. This is a large investment in the maintenance of the city that we will start this summer and will continue in the coming years.”


To present the asphalting plan together with the mayor Davide Galimberti were the councilors for Public Works Andrea Civati, for Resources Cristina Buzzetti and for the Local Police Raffaele Catalano.

«After a great deal of work on the budget, from this year, and for the next summers, we have the useful resources, 4 million euros, to start what we have called the maintenance season – said councilor Buzzetti – This is both thanks to the recovery of the deficit that we managed to complete but also thanks to a careful resource policy and the planning done in recent years.”

To present the list of the many roads involved in the asphalting plan then it was councilor Civati. «This is an intervention that will concern both the main roads and the neighborhood streets – explained the councilor – in recent months we have worked to draw up a very detailed asphalting plan project which will continue in the coming years. From this summer, however, we are also introducing another innovation in terms of maintenance. The Municipality has in fact entrusted the care of the roads to a single entity, which will concern not only the asphalt but also all the maintenance that follows, including the intervention linked to snow clearing in the winter period and signage. This is an improvement that aims at the efficiency and timeliness of interventions because we work with a single entity with which the management, planning and speed of interventions will be easier”.

Off in early July

We therefore begin in the first days of July. The first streets affected will concern the center and the so-called ring. New asphalt therefore in via Verdi, Copelli and Sant’Antonio; then via Marcobi, a stretch of via Sanvito, via Solferino, via Bizzozero and via San Francesco d’Assisi. Also in the centre, the bus lane on Via Sacco will also be asphalted.

But between July and August there will be numerous streets included in the Asphalt Plan of the Municipality of Varese. In fact, there will be the long Via Crispi, which will also see an intervention on the sidewalks. New asphalt also in via Morandi, via Saffi, via Borghi, via Bolchini. Then again via Sanvito, via Corridoni, via Campigli, between via Sanvito and via Truno. In the northern area, Viale Valganna will also be involved, in the stretch from Viale Ippodromo to Via Vanetti, and Via Postumia. You then continue with via Daverio, via Limido, via Pasetti and via Castelli. The asphalting will also involve via Tasso, via Appiani, via Castellini and via Dante. Towards the Sacro Monte then via Campo dei Fiori, via Fincarà and via Ceppo. And again via Gozzi, via Micca, via Dezza, via Maestri del Lavoro, largo Talamoni, via Vetta D’Italia, via Anfossi, via Mirasole.

Some asphalting works will be carried out at night depending on the type of road involved. All interventions will be communicated with the start and end dates of the works but can be followed in real time on

The asphalting plan of the Municipality of Varese

varese asphalt construction site – MALPENSA24
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