Italy 24 Press News

«Corporation, cases are growing» – Photo 1 of 1

«Corporation is a growing phenomenon in the area but the Latina Prosecutor’s Office has nothing to blame. There have been numerous investigations and trials for this crime. It is a serious problem also in its implications. The number of companies in which a situation occurs that can be related to the phenomenon of gangmastering is not insignificant.” This is the analysis of the Chief Prosecutor of Latina Giuseppe de Falco on the topic, which is particularly insidious in the province of Latina as evidenced by the trials taking place in Court and those that have concluded. Even on the occasion of the inauguration of the 2024 judicial year in Rome last January, in the analysis of the state of justice in Lazio and in particular in the Pontine territory, a separate chapter was dedicated to this great critical issue: «In these last For two years, various cases of illegal gangmastering have been received”, was reported in part of the report.
«The number of companies where the exploitation of foreign labor has emerged is not insignificant – observes Prosecutor de Falco – more preventive controls would be necessary to prevent the working conditions of these people from remaining in the shadows. On the part of the laborers – continues the magistrate – fear often prevails, most of them come from Eastern countries and live in precarious conditions, they fear losing the only job they have. They suffer and the silence contributes to keeping what happens in companies silent.” The magistrate addressed the issue of gangmastering and labor exploitation, recalling the origins of the investigations. «In some cases they arose from administrative checks, sometimes from complaints from unions but it is necessary to increase controls. There is the very serious problem of the conditions of these exploited workers which leads to the fear of reporting. They agree to work in terrible conditions for fear of losing their jobs. It is clear that a preventive control would be necessary, something different from judicial investigations.”

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