Italy 24 Press News

the Municipality approves the project

Orbetello (Grosseto). In recent days, the Council of the Municipality of Orbetello approved and allocated its contribution for the projectGioco Sport – Sportamico”also co-financed by Coni and the Tuscany Region and aimed at including a program of motor education lessons in comprehensive institutions in the municipal area.

«In previous school years – points out the municipal administration the organization financially supported the “Gioco Sport – Sportamico” project, aimed at introducing a program of physical education lessons in comprehensive institutions in the municipal area and implemented by Coni, the provincial committee of Grosseto, in primary schools. The project is organized to complete similar motor education projects, financed by Coni, the Tuscany Region, the MIUR, in order to allow all pupils in municipal comprehensive schools to participate in physical activity”.

«In our territory – they explain again by the administration Both the “Don L. Milani” comprehensive institute, with primary classes in Neghelli and Orbetello Scalo as well as the nursery school, and the “C. Civinini”, with the nursery schools of Albinia and Fonteblanda. As an administration we considered it right and appropriate to continue to support the project also by virtue of our own municipal statute, according to which the Municipality, inspired by the values ​​and objectives of the Constitution, promotes the civil, social and economic development and progress of the community of Orbetello»

«Such development – he concludes administration also passes through collaboration and cooperation with other public and private entities and inspires its action, among others, on the principle of promoting cultural, sporting and free time activities of the population, with particular regard to youth and elderly socialization activities , adopting, among many others, the aim of promoting educational activities for physical activity in schools”

The project will be active starting from the beginning of the 2024/2025 school year.

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