Italy 24 Press News

THE CITY THAT CHANGES | Ancona and connectivity, how the digital transaction proceeds

ANCONA – Expansion of the ComuneAnconaFree wifi in the city starting from the next few days, broadband coverage for the municipal offices of four hamlets (improvement of service to users and coverage of other services), a new synergy with Netoip for the implementation and efficiency of services of connectivity for the hamlets through broadband, for the central headquarters and secondary offices of the Municipality of Ancona and for the provision of fixed telephone services for the municipal offices, with savings in resources that will be used to improve citizens’ access to the network free wifi. The Municipality of Ancona, than within the digital transition has already launched numerous online services to support citizens, both with informative notes and “instructions for use”, and with actual support and literacy actions aimed at sections of the population (who in this case could be more disadvantaged) continues on its path by implementing the offered services.

The news

The areas covered by ComuneAnconaFree are increasing, which allows free access to the internet by citizens and tourists. The connection allows navigation for two hours a day and so far has covered, since last February, Largo 24 Maggio, Piazza Cavour, Piazza Pertini, Piazza Roma, Teatro delle Muse, thirteen cannelli, Palazzo degli Anziani, Palazzo Malacari. From mid-July this coverage will increase, also including Viale della Vittoria, from the Municipality to Piazza Diaz.

From February 1st to today, these are the usage data for free wifi with
Registered users = 427
Users connected to the network = 454
Devices connected to the network: 456
Languages: 62% Italian – 16.5% English – 2.5% German – 5.7% French
Most popular day of the week: Friday 18%
Most popular time slot: 9-10 AM (11.6%)
Devices: 40% Apple – 37.9% Android – 5.7% Intel

Netoip sponsorship

In recent days the Council has given the green light to the technical sponsorship by the company which will implement the connectivity of the coverage of the 28 peripheral offices of the Municipality including the hamlets of Massignano, Sappanico, Gallignano and Candia, where other services are also present ( medical practice) hosted in municipal spaces, who will be able to use the service. Coverage increased by 50%. The contract, which lasts 42 months for 70 thousand euros of interventions and will also concern the supply of fixed telephony and the connectivity service for municipal structures which will go from 1Gbs to 10Gbs. Furthermore, the municipal structures are equipped with internal wifi through the installation of access points. The sponsorship will lead to a reduction in costs of 30% equal to 70 thousand euros. Furthermore, the citizens of the hamlets involved in this first phase, namely Massignano, Sappanico, Gallignano and Candia, will now be able to use the broadband connection.

Online services active in the Municipality of Ancona

Two key projects funded by PNRR funds have been completed:

I PAY PA. The participation of the Municipality of Ancona in this service will allow citizens to use this transversal platform to make payments to the Municipality.

Notifications platform: the project has been concluded, on an experimental basis it is already being used for the notification of local police sanctions.

IO APP: the project has been started and notifications regarding demographic services will be activated shortly (notification of registration in the scrutineers’ list, available certificates, etc.) and information for culture and tourism

The sectors affected by online services

The institutional website right on the home page (top right) displays a banner that refers to the digital services section, to the digital compass project, which supports experts (digital facilitators) with citizens who need to orient themselves in the world of online procedures. The registry issues certificates and residences online, as well as reservations for those services which, such as the Electronic Identity Card (Cie), can only be issued in person. The procurement and payment portals (fines, tariffs, etc.) are also active.

Through the use of Spid and Cie it is also possible to request concessions for the use of public transport and an appointment for the issue of the relevant cards. Also from the Municipality website you can access the booking service for civic halls. The help desks for professionals and businesses are also active: the Single Help Desk for Productive Activities (Suap) and the Single Help Desk for Construction, as well as the portal for electronic submission of applications. All services, updated in real time, can be found listed, divided into sections, at the link

Digital facilitators and the “Digital Compass” project

As regards the activity of the digital facilitators, operational in Ancona from summer 2023, concessions for public transport, health records, online tax procedures, SPID, electronic identity card, are among the most frequent requests presented at the support. Furthermore, a significant number of users ask for help in using the most common digital systems, such as websites, WhatsApp and Telegram. Once the two digital literacy courses have been completed (basic and advanced aimed at citizens and held in the headquarters of the 1st and 3rd Districts), the desk with digital facilitators continues at the premises of the former districts.

«We are making enormous progress on the IT and digital transition front – states the councilor for IT services, Antonella Andreoli – filling a gap that we had immediately identified. Regarding broadband in the hamlets, already in 2022 as a municipal councilor I had raised this problem and presented a motion which was largely approved by the municipal council. Now with these interventions we are able to give a first important response to the citizens of the hamlets. We have renovated the telephone structure of the Municipality by switching from the analogue system to the digital system, with the replacement of the 40-year-old switchboard with a digital VoIP one, and replaced around 700 telephones with VoIP technology; telephones are currently being replaced in other municipal structures such as schools and former districts.

Meanwhile – he continues – the office for the person responsible for the digital transition (RTD) is about to be activated which will allow us to better organize the preparatory activities for carrying out the “Digital Journey” of the Municipality of Ancona. All this will allow us to be even more at the service of citizens, provide easier access to online services, guarantee a flow of useful and necessary information for carrying out everyday life and for relations with the Public Administration, without queues at branches”.

«In 2018, moving from ‘Internet where there is none’ to ultra-broadband – says Giacomo Di Napoli, CEO of Netoip Ancona – we approached some hamlets and managed to provide them with partial coverage. Now, this partnership with the Municipality of Ancona allows us to take further steps forward to serve the community. These works have stimulated us to complete the coverage of these areas, for example Poggio and Massignano, and therefore from tomorrow the citizens of the hamlets involved in this first phase, i.e. Massignano, Sappanico, Gallignano and Candia, will be able to use the broadband connection”

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