Italy 24 Press News

Leo and Piemontese: “Seven million euros for interventions on Palazzo Frisini in Taranto and others”

“With the Puglia regional council, we have started a new injection of resources for the completion of the redevelopment works on three valuable properties to be used as new university residences. We are talking about Palazzo Frisini in Taranto, the former Cimmarrusti barracks in Lecce and Palazzo Cassa Mutua Artigiani Brindisi”, declared the education councilor Sebastian Leo who adds: “These interventions are among those admitted to the financing of the V ministerial tender of Law 338/2000 for the construction of new student accommodation which saw Puglia awarded fifty million euros thanks to the projects presented. The provision of these additional resources will allow Puglia to respect the deadlines for InnovaPuglia’s announcement of tenders for the three student housing interventions, carrying forward its policies to relaunch the university profile. I thank the Piedmontese councilor and the regional agencies, Asset, Adisu and InnovaPuglia, for the work carried out in the various phases with my Education and University Section and with the Presidency to achieve this important result within the established timescales” concluded Leo.

The co-financing of Adisu Puglia’s interventions admitted to the V Notice of 338/2000 has therefore been approved by the Regional Council, in order to immediately allow overall financial coverage of the definitive projects of Palazzo Frisini in Taranto, in the former Cimmarrusti Barracks in Lecce and Palazzo Cassa Mutua Artigiani Brindisi to be transformed into new student homes. The redevelopment projects of these properties were winners of the design competitions launched at the end of 2021 by the Puglia Region, in collaboration with the regional agencies Asset and Adisu Puglia, to raise the quality of student spaces and to start a reflection on the relationships between universities and cities.

The disbursement of further sums, from the FSC/POC 2021/2027 funds, became necessary following the increase in the initial expected costs, justified both by the progress of the project investigations since these involved two restoration interventions on listed architectural assets and extraordinary maintenance of a property dating back to around 1960, as well as the significant increase in the cost of materials and labor which has occurred over the last few years.

“This is an operation of great and multiple importance for capital cities that needed to bring value back to urban areas and around historical artefacts to be redeveloped”, said the vice-president of the Puglia Region and budget councilor, Raffaele Piedmonteseunderlining “the meaning that such actions acquire in relation to the new functions for which these buildings are intended, called to host young people in their best years for training and growth”.

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