Italy 24 Press News

Financial adjustment in Trentino, 538 million for salaries and investments – La Busa

Renewal of the public employment contract for the three-year period 2025-2027, closure of the 2022-2024 contract referred to in the protocol signed with the trade unions on 18 July 2023, exemption from the regional surcharge to Irpef raised for incomes up to 30 thousand euros, New hospital and university center of Trento, Trento-Monte Bondone cable car, Tenna variant.
These are the main items to which part of the resources provided for by the adjustment law that the Provincial Council is preparing to approve will be allocated. A measure that will use the 538 million euro budget surplus, to which further resources will be added which are still being quantified.

“It will be the first budget maneuver of the new legislature – said President Fugatti – We are intervening significantly on wages, because in addition to being a real issue felt by families, we believe it is also a fundamental factor for the attractiveness and competitiveness of Trentino, we are guaranteeing the financing of works already approved that have undergone an increase in costs but above all we are finalizing 400 million of the 2023 administrative surplus for the construction of the new Trento hospital (to which are added 300 million financed by debt), as well as the resources for works that we consider strategic such as the Tenna variant and the Trento-Monte Bondone cableway” explained the president.

Fugatti recalled how the 2023 administrative surplus, equal to 538 million euros, was generated not only by extraordinary items but also by economic growth in Trentino that was better than expected. “In 2022, the provincial GDP grew by 5.4% compared to the estimated 2.7%, in 2023 by 1.3%, a percentage higher than the national trend – explained Fugatti – Data attributable to the courageous choices and investments launched in those years and which today translate into greater availability for the provincial coffers”.

On the salary front, in the process of adjustment, the Provincial Government will allocate 117 million euros for the closure of the arrears relating to the renewal of the 2022-2024 public employment contract signed in 2023, and will allocate 39 million euros in 2025, 79 million euros in 2026 and 120 million from 2027 to finance the new 2025-2027 contract.

Again with regards to salaries, the exemption from the regional IRPEF surtax is extended to incomes up to 30 thousand euros (from the current 25,000 euros), with an investment of approximately 13 million euros (in addition to the 35 million already foreseen ), which will translate into approximately 30 euros more per month for 40,000 families starting from 2025.

On the major works and infrastructure front, 400 million euros will be allocated to the construction of the new hospital and university center in Trento, 43 million to finance the Trento – Monte Bondone cable car (in addition to the 37 already obtained from the central government), 100 million for the Tenn variant and 140 million euros to cover the increase in costs of the works already financed. Alongside these interventions already identified, other investments are envisaged for schools, healthcare facilities, purification plants and other infrastructure.

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