Italy 24 Press News

Filippo Turetta, the knife taken in Berlin and the cigarettes to stun himself: “I wanted to end it”

PADUA – An escape without a clear objective and without a precise destination. With very little money and even less food. In Filippo Turetta’s interrogation papers there is everything: the testimony of that crazy race crossing three countries in one week, but also the images of the video surveillance cameras in the petrol stations and those of the knives seized after the crime. Speaking to prosecutor Andrea Petroni, Giulia’s killer describes the journey driving the Fiat Grande Punto e he focuses several times on his suicidal intent. «I had bought the knife in Berlin. I paid for it in cash at a shop on Hermanplatz. I wanted to try to do it with that. I had also bought cigarettes because I told myself that maybe if I drank and smoked a lot I would have more courage to do it. I smoked six or seven. I had never smoked in my life.”

Take away the blood-stained clothes

But how much money did Turetta leave with for that journey that began on the evening of Saturday 11th December and ended on the night between Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th with the arrest of the German police near Leipzig, in southern Germany? «I had at least between 200 and 300 euros. I had withdrawn two hundred euros a few days earlier in Torreglia (where the young man lived in the province of Padua, ed.) to go shopping, if they were ever needed.” They will be used for much more. To get petrol after killing Giulia, first of all. The first time on Sunday morning, the day after the crime. «I was towards the mountains, I was like going to Dobbiaco». Near Cortina, where he was immortalized by a camera? “Yes, yes”. Why was his clothing different than on the evening of the murder? «I took off the clothes that were stained with blood and I put these other clothes that were in the car. I had a sweatshirt and trousers. I always kept various things in the car. Even blankets, food, drinks, a change of clothes if they were ever needed.”

Mountain direction

But why did Turetta head towards the mountain? «I wanted to look for a place where I would have some time so as not to be found immediately. I wanted some time to be able to take my own life too and obviously I didn’t want to be found immediately otherwise I wouldn’t have made it.” He arrives at Lake Barcis at least three hours after the crime. «Yes, because in reality I had driven in certain places, getting lost and taking a few roads where every now and then I got stuck, then I turned back because I didn’t see any signs where to go. But I never stopped anywhere.” And Piancavallo, one of the last stops before the lake where he abandons the body? «I had never been there. I saw the signs indicating Piancavallo and Aviano, which were places I had already heard of. When I arrived in Piancavallo I didn’t know where to go. I followed the only roads that seemed accessible by car and I arrived at that point.” Until arriving in Barcis: a place that seemed ideal «to hide the body and to have some time to try to commit suicide (…). I tried to suffocate myself with a bag, I couldn’t and I tore it at the last one.” A suicide attempt also failed in the following days: “I’m not very brave, I always put it off.”

The journey

Reading the rest of the interrogation, after leaving the body in Barcis, is like following the route on a map. «I remember that I arrived in Longarone, then Cortina, then there was Cortina, then Dobbiaco and then Lienz». On Sunday morning he was already in Austria: «I remember reaching Mallnitz and then Spittal, in the evening I arrived in Salzburg and in the night in Munich». Only here, on Sunday night, for the first time he stopped to sleep for a couple of hours in a parking lot. And petrol? “I did it at least three or four times, I spent at least 50 euros.” From Munich to Berlin «after 5-6 hours on the motorway. Monday evening.”

«I was in Berlin until Thursday, then I took the motorway back to Munich, stopped at a service station and stayed there, first in one service station and then in another, until Saturday. I was on reserve, I had no more money.” These were the hours before the surrender. «I had my phone in airplane mode and I had already uninstalled Whatsapp, but I had connected to a wifi at the service station to look for news on what was happening». He was looking for news that would make him feel bad enough to convince him to commit suicide, but he also found news from his parents who hoped he was still alive. «He had the opposite effect, I resigned myself to no longer being able to commit suicide and get arrested. So I moved to the side of the highway where the SOS phones are to try to call the police. While I was doing it she arrived.” The end of the escape and the beginning of the testimonies.


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The Gazzettino

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