Italy 24 Press News

Cattaneo guides Cia Lombardy – RisoItaliano

Cia Centro Lombardia, during the elective assembly last Friday in Carugate, appointed Amedeo Cattaneo provincial president. Cattaneo, 63 years old, is a fourth generation cereal farmer from Lodi. He boasts decades of experience in the field of agricultural trade union representation. In particular, Cattaneo has dedicated itself to supporting international organizations. His field of action was the improvement of cereal farming in the third world also thanks to interdisciplinary projects with universities and agricultural professional schools.


In the presence of the provincial director Paola Santeramo, the vice president Pier Silvano Borella, the regional president Paolo Maccazzola and the members of the organization, Amedeo Cattaneo is unanimously elected president of Cia Centro Lombardia. «I am proud and honored to represent Cia Centro Lombardia, – said Cattaneo in his inauguration speech – I will work to guarantee a greater presence in the area and make members feel the closeness of the organization, especially in a difficult moment like this


«The confidence of agricultural entrepreneurs, after the period of covid and that of the conflict in Ukraine, in addition to the problems related to the current weather conditions, has collapsed. Politics itself is unable to give the answers we want, that is why Cia, through its managers and technicians, has the duty to reassure them and guide them towards the best paths in order to guarantee income and keep the enthusiasm alive, which is the salt of our profession.” The new president continued.”


The program of Amedeo Cattaneo’s mandate is focused on starting from a more widespread presence in the territory. Then we move on to the training of farmers and relations with the public administration.

«The exchange of ideas, opinions, problems and projects will be the basis of my mandate: dialogue on rural and economic issues with members promotes growth and attachment to the organizationfor this reason I will undertake to promote constant meetings in all the areas of our competence”, explains Cattaneo.
“We will also promote courses dedicated to public speaking and relational skills for professional development, as well as the management of relations in the trade union field and on negotiation, I believe these are skills that allow for the improvement of union and personal skills.»

«As far as external relations are concerned, I believe that it is our duty to spread culture and valuable content, in contrast with the many fake news that circulate and only do harm to our sector» – explains Amedeo Cattaneo – «improving the perception that has agriculture and giving it the prominence it deserves.”


Amedeo Cattaneo then wanted to highlight the importance of relationships with local politics, bodies and law enforcement, proposing a constant dialogue. The objective remains to build a basis of relationships aimed at protecting and growing the primary sector. «I believe in collaboration between trade union organizations, where possible, because it is of great importance for agriculture: our Statute states so, thorny issues must be addressed together to obtain positive results for our sector.»

«There are many projects and they will be achievable only through everyone’s commitment: the presidency is a small thing without the participation and effort of all those who are part of the organization, be they managers, technicians or members, because only with the with our passion, perseverance and wisdom we will be able to give dignity and value to the work of people in the fields” concluded the new president of Cia Centro Lombardia, Amedeo Cattaneo. Author: Cia

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