Italy 24 Press News

Salernitana on Vandeputte: offer of 2.5 million plus bonus. Catanzaro asks for more

Jari Vandeputte, protagonist of a sparkling season with Catanzaro, has ended up in the sights of Salernitana. The Belgian left winger, who has proven to be one of the best players not only in Catanzaro but in the entire Serie B, has attracted the attention of numerous teams, and Salernitana has made concrete moves to secure his performances.

The offer of Salernitana

According to what was reported by Il Mattino, Salernitana has made a formal proposal to Catanzaro for Vandeputte. The offer consists of 2.5 million euros, with the addition of 700 thousand euros in the event of promotion to Serie A. Furthermore, the Campania club has also shown interest in another Catanzaro player, Stefano Scognamillo.

Catanzaro’s response

In recent days, the president of Catanzaro, Floriano Noto, reiterated the club’s position. The request for Vandeputte is 4 million euros, a figure that reflects the importance of the player for the Calabrian team and his value on the market. Noto underlined that Catanzaro does not intend to sell their talented left winger for a lower sum.

The future of Vandeputte

Jari Vandeputte’s future is therefore still uncertain. Salernitana has shown strong interest and presented a concrete offer, but will have to review its proposal if it intends to satisfy Catanzaro’s requests. With the opening of the transfer market now imminent, the next few weeks will be decisive in understanding whether the negotiation can go through.

Catanzaro, for his part, is aware of Vandeputte’s importance for the team and does not intend to sell him easily. The request of 4 million euros represents a significant value, but reflects the qualities and performances of the player, who contributed significantly to the club’s success in Serie B.

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