Italy 24 Press News

“To be or not to be”: Saturday and Sunday at the Next Center

As usual, the QU.EM. quintelemento of Cremona proposes, in the month of June, two theatrical performances, the outcome of the annual workshops begun in October. After the recent Cremona Abstract, a theater-dance performance, “To be or not to be” will be staged over the weekend in the Next Cultural Center of Palazzo Schinchinelli-Martini, in via Cadolini 20: the ‘premiere’ on Saturday 29 June, the repeat Sunday 30 June, starting at 8pm. Seats are already sold out, the show will be repeated in October.

The starting point of this drama was evidently Shakespeare’s famous monologue, an immortal text, punctuated by words that delve into the deepest mystery of the human being, for a dramatic confrontation with oneself and the meaning of life. “And if the diaphanous figure of Hamlet – adds the artistic director Francesca Rizzi – continues to represent an unavoidable invitation to reflection even today, it is because it reflects with an inexorable temporal synchrony the ambiguity, precariousness and bewilderment of modern man too” .

The preparation of the work, according to the typical methods of the QUEM company, was not entrusted only to the traditional series of rehearsals, but was built and refined within the annual theater laboratory, “where all the participants – specifies Danio Belloni – they tried to embrace the Shakespearean conception of theater in its various polarities, but mixing some of his most suggestive pages with those of other great writers of the past, in particular Dostoevsky”.

In the end, concludes Francesca Rizzi, “we have translated into the present the underlying themes and questions that each of us, like a “modern Hamlet”, cannot naively try to escape: because in reality they are part of our deepest being, because Hamlet, ultimately, is above all a projection of our most atavistic fears.

«To be or not to be» will see eight performers on stage: Clotilde Elena Caiazza, Eloisa Martino, Marco Mastronicola, Simona Orizio, Laura Perlasca, Roberta Schiavi, Claudio Torelli, Alberto Vetroni. The direction will be handled by Francesca Rizzi, the technical direction by Danio Belloni. As already mentioned, bookings are full, but a repeat is already planned after the summer.

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