Italy 24 Press News

In Vibo Enzo Romeo wins, ‘wide field’ reconquers the city

The result of the first round was overturned and he obtained 53.60% of the votes

The “wide field” beats the centre-right and reconquers Vibo Valentia, bringing the city back into the centre-left fold.

Enzo Romeo, dentist by profession and first president of the Province of Vibo Valentia, formed in 1992 together with that of Crotone, by reversing the outcome of the first round, prevailed in the run-off against his centre-right opponent Roberto Cosentino, director of the Calabria Region.

The final result speaks of a 53.60% of consensus in favor of Romeo against 46.40 for Cosentino, but two weeks ago the result had been very different with the centre-right candidate ahead with 38.43% and the exponent of the center-left to follow with 31.92%.

The run-up was crowned between yesterday and today, in a round which recorded a drop in turnout of 20 percentage points, going from 66.9% 15 days ago to the final figure for the ballot: 45.71%.

Romeo managed to gather around his figure the Democratic Party and the Five Star Movement which agreed on an even broader alliance which also included the Green and Left Alliance and the “Progressives for Vibo” list.

The centre-right – without the Lega and UDC in the first round which only converged in the run-off – has instead focused on Cosentino after the withdrawal of the outgoing mayor, the Italian Maria Limardo, who stepped aside at the beginning of March after her re-nomination , proposed by Forza Italia, had caused some grumbling among the allies.

In the run-off, Romeo was joined by the centre’s candidate, the lawyer Franco Muzzopappa, with his 28.9 percent in the first round.

From the beginning of the count, the “wide field” candidate took the lead, consolidating his lead as the ballots from the 37 sections were scrutinized.

A victory that, at a certain point, became obvious, so much so that his supporters took to the streets to celebrate the election, well before the operations were concluded.

A result, negative for him, also understood by Cosentino who, with the ballot still in progress, telephoned his opponent to congratulate him.

Now 20 seats have gone to the winning coalition, six have been taken by the centre-right in addition to Cosentino himself elected as municipal councilor and five have gone to Muzzopappa’s lists.

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