Italy 24 Press News

In the administrative elections the centre-right’s thud, which does not govern in any capital of Calabria

LAMEZIA TERME As sweet as the European elections were, the administrative elections were equally bitter. Despite the undeniable bias of the data, however, it is clear that for Forza Italia and for the governor Roberto Occhiuto the outcome of the administrative elections in Calabria, especially in the two most important cities in which voting was held in this round, has a negative leap: the very clear defeat of Pasqualina Straface in Corigliano Rossano in fact it is added the splash in Vibo Valentiawhere the candidate for mayor is an expression of the blue party, the manager of the Region Roberto Cosentinocapitulated in the challenge against the centre-left candidate Enzo Romeo. To soothe the torments of Forza Italia, the blue “color” behind the victories of the other two municipalities that went to the ballot, Gioia Tauro, with the success of Simona Scarcellastrongly supported by the regional coordinator of Fi Francesco CannizzaroAnd Montalto Uffugowhich saw the exploit of Biagio Faragalliconsidered very close to the regional councilor for Agriculture and provincial coordinator of Forza Italia Cosenza Gianluca Gallo. Two successes which however do not seem sufficient to change the trend of these municipal elections for Forza Italia and in general also for the centre-right. In Corigliano Rossano, in reality, the challenge for Fi and the centre-right from the beginning appeared uphill and almost prohibitive, in Vibo however the final result has an even more significant political value: Forza Italia in fact did not re-nominate the outgoing Maria Limardovery close to the president of the Chamber Budget Committee, Giuseppe Mangialavoriand the failure to re-nominate Limardo, who remained essentially unmotivated, according to several analysts ended up creating a fairly evident disconnect between the Mangialavori area and the other Italian “plenipotentiaries” in the area, Michele Comito and Antonio Daffinà, considered a “loyal” of Occhiuto. A gap that was not “remedied” in view of the run-off, which ended with the defeat of Cosentino and the centre-right after the last two administrative elections had been triumphant for the coalition in the city of Hiponia, with two successes already in the first round. A defeat that also delivers another rather significant fact: the centre-right classically understood – Forza Italia together with the League and Brothers of Italy – there is opposition in all provincial capitals in Calabria.

Enzo Romeo with Elly Schlein

The celebration of the centre-left

A fact that seen in the mirror obviously rewards the centre-leftwho was confirmed by popular acclaim in Corigliano Rossano with the reconfirmation Flavio Stasi, with a coalition that is more civic than party, even if of progressive origin, and which has now also taken over Vibo Valentia, a historic stronghold of the centre-right. On a political level, the victory in Vibo with Enzo Romeo, in which the Dems have invested a lot, starting with the leader herself Elly Schleinalso has another political value, because in Vibo Valentia the traction “wide field” was more fully realized Pd-M5Swho “wrested” the Municipality from the center-right also making use of the contribution of significant elements of the third pole which had supported the mayoral candidate in the first round Francesco Muzzopappa: among these clips the “well informed” also include Action and in particular Francesco De Nisi, regional secretary of the Calendians who are in the centre-right majority in Palazzo Campanella in support of the Occhiuto regional council. And now it will also be a matter of understanding what the effects of this vote of the Administrations will also be on the balance of the Region, already under enough stress due to the toxins of the European elections. (a. cant.)

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