Italy 24 Press News

Confcommercio: «Too many accidents on the Scansanese. Province and Prefecture listen to citizens”

GROSSETO – “We ask the Prefecture and the Province to listen to the request of the traders in the Stiacciole area and of the approximately 400 citizens who, together with the promoters, have signed it. We also believe that the installation of devices capable of lowering the speed of vehicles passing through that area on the Scansanese (provincial road 159) can no longer be postponed”. Also Confcommercio Grosseto, therefore, joins the protest of the traders of Stiacciole who together with the mayor of Grosseto and the mayor of Scansano in recent days had written to the Prefect to ask at least for the installation of a speed camera. Talking is Gabriella Orlandodirector of the trade association convinced of the usefulness of the proposal also supported by a popular petition which to date has exceeded 400 signatures.

“Unfortunately, the Scansanese provincial road continues to record many road accidents and the stretch that leads to the town of Istia d’Ombrone is certainly one of the most dangerous as it is characterized by a long straight road – states Orlando -. When we talk about safety to be guaranteed to citizens, and therefore to traders, we must also think about road safety, even more so when the marked sections are the tragic scene of repeated accidents. Everyone knows that the ‘Scansanese’ with its mixed-line route is a favorite route for motorcyclists because it is able to offer them greater riding thrills, especially in good weather”.

“It is equally evident – ​​states Orlando – how in the summer period both Istia d’Ombrone and the municipality of Scansano are particularly attractive destinations for those who want to escape the heat of the city. It turns out that during periods of maximum tourist influx, provincial road 159 also records a notable increase in vehicular traffic which must necessarily be commensurate with the needs and rights of those who along its route should be able to lead a normal and peaceful life, without the fear of be able to be run over.”

“Among other things – continues the director of Confcommercio Grosseto, Gabriella Orlando – it should not be forgotten that the Stiacciole area is a peripheral area of ​​the countryside, with the presence of a fair number of agricultural companies that need to move goods and materials using also the ‘Scansanese’ provincial road with heavy vehicles. All these elements must be correctly evaluated in order to guarantee public safety and that of those who find themselves conducting economic activities near the road”.

“For these reasons – concludes Gabriella Orlando – we join those who ask for the installation of technical devices or technological instruments aimed at inducing road users to respect the speed limit and the rules of the Highway Code”.

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