Italy 24 Press News

Golfo Aranci, ready for the sound bath in Cala Moresca

Golfo Aranci. On Wednesday 26 June, a new event promoted by Seaty, the project signed Worldrise and sponsored by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia together with the Municipality of Golfo Aranci, will be held in Cala Moresca at sunset. On the beach of the site, from 6.30pm to 8.00pm Barbara Magnoni of Armonie Energetiche and Luana Campus of Quarto Chakra will accompany those present in a guided meditation with a bath of crystal bells, instruments and ancestral songs. A relaxing and regenerating experience to abandon yourself in a completely natural way to a meditative state, thanks to the vibrations of the crystal and the rhythm of the drum that travel through body and mind. Allowing yourself to be enveloped by the fluid sound of crystal bells helps to recreate psychophysical harmony, connecting with your deepest essence. The bath will be accompanied by a guided meditation through the sound of the voice, instruments and sea waves, to discover the ancestral connection with the Blue Planet.

Participation in the event is free. Yoga teacher Luana Campus explains: “For 3 years I have been collaborating with pleasure on the Seaty Worldrise project with two yoga sessions a month from June to September. In the idea of ​​yoga, which literally means union, I also enthusiastically accepted this initiative. I know Barbara and we have already had the opportunity to do some practices together. Specifically on Wednesday, I will lead the initial part of the sound bath to create awareness of listening to the breath, then leaving the space for her to guide the sound bath and create a deep connection with the sensations that will be released. Finally, in the final part, I will lead a short meditation practice linked to the sea and the movement of the waves to enter into a deep connection with the environment in which we will find ourselves carrying out the practice”.

Luana echoes this the holistic voice of Barbara Magnoni, technical singing teacher: “The sound bath is a practice that involves conscious listening to relaxing and harmonious sounds in order to promote mental, physical and emotional well-being. During the sound bath, instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, drums, tuning forks and stringed instruments are used. I will have crystal bells, drums and instruments like wind dreams, as well as my voice. All this variety of tones is intended to induce a deep state of relaxation. All the person has to do is lie down on a mat and welcome the sounds, opening up and letting themselves go to their emotions. It’s a’immersive experience. The sounds propagate through the air and enter the body, as if it were a pebble thrown onto the surface of a lake. This produces a relaxation and harmonizing effect. The benefits of a sound bath are many: starting from the reduction of stress and anxiety, it promotes sense of calm and deep relaxation, but also an improvement in sleep. The sound bath can in fact promote restful, quality sleep, reducing insomnia and promoting mental relaxation.

Sound vibrations can also positively influence our energy systems and help restore harmony in the body. Furthermore, a reduction in pain and muscle tension can also be achieved because the sound waves penetrate the body tissues, relaxing tense muscles and reducing physical pain. There is also a stimulation of creativity and concentration. The sound bath can in fact have a beneficial effect on cognitive functions, facilitating concentration, but also inspiration and creativity. Not to forget the improvement in mood and emotional balance. The feeling you have generally at the end of a sound bath it is that of a general well-being. It is clear that during treatment, even if it is not guaranteed to happen, memories and sensations belonging to the past and emotions that need to be recognized and released can come to the surface. The benefits may vary from person to person, but most find the experience relaxing and rejuvenating.”

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