Italy 24 Press News

Valeria Cittadin is the first female mayor of Rovigo

ROVIGO – The tense counting of the second round of balloting for the election of the mayor of the capital municipality of Rovigo lasted less than an hour.

Valeria Cittadin, with the counting still underway, from her electoral headquarters in Corso del Popolo did not wait to reach the quota of 10,044 ballots in her favor for the mathematical victory, but with over 1,000 ballots ahead, ahead in almost all sections, she has become aware of the fact that she will be the mayor of the city.

A long round of applause, a toast with many friends of Fratelli d’Italia and uncontainable joy among the allies, starting with Valeria Mantovan (READ ARTICLE), provincial president of Fratelli d’Italia, by representatives of the League, by Forza Italia, by its civic list and by Action.

From the electoral headquarters to Palazzo Nodari, a procession walked, greeting citizens and supporters for the new mayor Valeria Cittadin who received congratulations from friends, family and former mayors such as Paolo Avezzù and Bruno Piva, both centre-right.

In the hall of honor already full of people, including friends, supporters, elected and non-elected councilors, even from other municipalities in the province, there were meetings at Palazzo Nodari to congratulate and greet the new mayor of Rovigo Valeria Cittadin, as well as the regional councilor Cristiano Corazzari.

“Great satisfaction with the result of work carried out for years, our League councilors have been able to listen to the territory and Valeria Cittadin has implemented the requested change. Valeria is the guarantor of the entire coalition” assures Corazzari.

The prefectural commissioner Gianfranco Tomao welcomed the first citizen by opening the door of the mayor’s office and formally congratulating her in front of the banner of the Municipality of Rovigo. The candidate Edoardo Gaffeo went up to Palazzo Nodari to congratulate the new mayor of Rovigo.

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