Italy 24 Press News

“The nocturnes of the Opera”: summer evening guided tours of the uncovered floor of the Siena Cathedral, the façade and the restored baptismal font

A summer of art and culture with “The Opera Nocturnes”. Eight unusual evening events, promoted by the Siena Metropolitan Opera and organized by Opera Laboratori, to offer a unique point of view on three iconic places of the monumental complex of Siena Cathedral.

The initiative starting next Thursday 4 July will accompany visitors throughout the summer until Thursday 29 August on two visits at 9.30pm and 10.30pm. It begins with a guided tour of the Cathedral of Siena which at this time of year discovers its magnificent marble floor, the result of five hundred years of artistic expression, a symbolic journey in search of the highest values ​​of the human spirit.

It will be possible to discover the inlays, whose preparatory cartoons were drawn by artists such as Sassetta, Domenico di Bartolo, Matteo di Giovanni, Domenico Beccafumi and Pinturicchio, also on Thursday 25 July and Thursday 22 August.

“The Nocturnes of the Opera” also include the climb up the Facciatone, the most surprising of the remains of the new unfinished Cathedral, for a suggestive nocturnal panorama of the city with a unique profile. On this occasion it will also be possible to admire the Hall of Statues, with the stained glass window by Duccio di Buoninsegna, a masterpiece of medieval art. Next to it, against the walls of the room, there are sculptures by Giovanni Pisano, originally on the facade of the cathedral, and depicting prophets, philosophers and sibyls. It will be possible to enjoy this unique panorama and the masterpieces of the Opera Museum for three Thursdays: 11 July and 1 and 29 August.

There will be a guided tour of the restored baptismal font on Thursday 18 July and 8 August. The Baptismal Font is a masterpiece in marble, bronze and enamel which marks the entry into the Renaissance age and develops its fundamental principles. Created between 1417 and 1431 by some of the most important artists of the time – Giovanni di Turino, Lorenzo Ghiberti, Donatello and Jacopo della Quercia – and positioned in the center of the Baptistery, it is made up of a hexagonal basin in which six wonderful panels in bronze depicting the life of the Baptist. The reliefs are interspersed with statues representing the virtues, two of which (Faith and Hope) are by Donatello.

All appointments will be followed by a toast at the Enoteca under the Duomo in Piazza San Giovanni.

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