Italy 24 Press News

Elderly people defrauded in Reggio Calabria, the advice of the State Police

In recent months, the city of Reggio Calabria has been the scene of numerous episodes of fraud against elderly people, with increasingly refined and deceptive methods.

The perpetrators of these crimes, often coming from other regions, use the same modus operandi: a phone call from a fake representative of the police who tells of a serious accident caused by a close relative of the victim. Following this, a sum of money or precious objects is requested to prevent the relative from ending up in prison.

Elderly people defrauded in Reggio Calabria, the latest episodes

The last two episodes of attempted fraud in Reggio Calabria foiled thanks to the intervention of the State Police date back to 28 May and 11 June. In the first case, a woman in her eighties was contacted repeatedly on the telephone and led to believe that her son was involved in a serious accident. She was stuck on the phone for over an hour and a half, she handed over 120 euros in cash and jewelery worth several thousand euros to an accomplice who showed up at her house. Only after speaking with a friend did the victim understand that she had been scammed and contacted the police, who managed to recover the stolen goods and report the perpetrator.

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The second episode involved an elderly couple. Here, the scammers managed to get 2000 euros in cash and jewels delivered. However, her almost ninety-year-old husband, suspecting fraud, attempted to recover his assets, but was pushed and injured in the head following the fall. The police then identified and arrested those responsible, recovering all the stolen goods.

Against scams targeting the elderly, the handbook of the State Police

In response to these episodes, the Reggio Calabria Police Headquarters has released a handbook to prevent scams against vulnerable individuals. Among the key tips is to do not open the door to strangers: the advice, in particular, that is given is to “always ask for the identity of whoever shows up at your door and ask for precise information”.

TO KNOW MORE: «You are not alone», the Police enters the field against scams against the elderly

The further suggestion, during banking operations, is to be accompanied, especially on pension payment days. The Police also invites you to pay particular attention be careful on the road, suggesting potential victims “not to stop and talk to strangers who offer you easy money or ask you to check your money”.

Finally, theprudent use of the ATM: «Avoid withdrawing if you feel observed».

Advice for children, grandchildren, neighbors

In this special handbook drawn up by the State Police of Reggio Calabria, there is also no shortage of advice also for children, grandchildren and neighbors.

To family members it is suggested that you stay in frequent contact with your elders, educating them about common scams and encouraging them to seek help if they suspect anything.

The advice addressed to the neighbors is to make your presence felt by offering assistance to the elderly in your condominium. Report any suspicious activity to the authorities.”

The invitation to bank and post office employees: beware of anomalous requests for money

The vademecum also involves the bank employees and of post offices. The invitation is to pay attention to anomalous requests for money from elderly people and to offer support and advice to prevent scams. Older customers – they are told – must be explained that No employee carries out checks outside banks and post offices. “If you have any doubts, urge them to contact you.”

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For further details and to read the complete handbookyou can consult the document from the Reggio Calabria Police Headquarters downloadable here.

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