Italy 24 Press News

Strong thunderstorms in Emilia Romagna: weather alert is still in place

Bologna, 24 June 2024 – As announced, today is day of rains a bit throughout the region. The forecast talk about bad weather at least until Wednesday. The change in circulation (from Saharan dust to thunderstorms) occurred yesterday, Sunday 23 June. Showers and thunderstorms have been recorded since this morning on the Romagna ridge (with roads like rivers) and medium-high Emilian Apennines and a good part of Parma: they are moving in a north-west direction.

The bad weather (which stopped today the trains in the Ravenna area), therefore, will continue also for tomorrow Emilia Romagna with Arpae having issued a new one weather alert for storms.

The weather alert in Emilia Romagna: more rain in the region

Orange and yellow weather warning: where

The new orange weather alert concerns the full of rivers in the provinces of Bologna and Ravenna. While the yellow alert concerns the full of rivers in the provinces of Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Ferrara, Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini; landslides and floods in the minor courses in the provinces of Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini; the temporal in the provinces of Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Ferrara, Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini.

“They are scheduled for Tuesday 25 June – states the Arpae bulletin – organized storms, locally even of strong intensity with possible damage and associated effects. Precipitation may generate localized landslides, runoff on the slopes and rapid increases in hydrometric levels in watercourses, close to threshold 2 in the basins of the central sector of the region”.

Randi: “Storms first in the Apennines and then in the plains”

An ‘egg’ full of cold air has arrived in our areas, explains President Ampro Pierluigi Randi. “It will be rather lazy since it is isolated from the western currents – says Randi – of the middle latitudes that generated it, e.g will take until Wednesday to move to the mid-upper Adriatic. In the meantime it will release intermittent showers and thunderstormsmainly on Apennine chainbut when it begins, calmly, to rise slightly towards the North-East, also on the plain and coastal areas, but here with less significant accumulations if not in a very localized form. The Apennine and foothills of Emilia and western Romagna are more within range than the other areas, at least this should be the case if the proposed evolution is correct”.

The moving cold air that gives rise to precipitation and thunderstorms

Weather forecast Tuesday 25 June

Arpae meteorologists have predicted “irregular rainfall of the nature of downpour or thunderstorm, more frequent during the afternoon hours. THE phenomena they will tend to attenuate and run out over the course of the evening-night. Minimum temperatures in slight increase with values ​​around 17-20 degrees. Maximums almost stationary with values ​​around 20-21 degrees in the west and 24-25 degrees along the coast”.

Weather forecast Wednesday 26 June

Wednesday 26 June there will be “locally significant clouds which may give rise to short showers or thunderstorms. Minimum temperatures without significant variations.”

Weather trend between Thursday 27th and Sunday 30th June

Between Thursday and Sunday “the temporary rise of a high pressure field will maintain weather conditions mostly stable in the next few days in our region. Therefore generally little cloudy skies, with more significant clouds on Saturday. No significant rainfall is expected. Temperatures slightly gradual increase with highs around 30 degrees at the end of the period”.

What will the weather be like in Emilia Romagna

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