Italy 24 Press News

The Arigliano era ends, a consortium takes over. Giuseppe Roma president

The era of the Arigliano family ends. This morning (Monday 24 June 2024), through an official press release, the transfer of ownership of the Brindisi Football Club was announced. The new president will be the Brindisi entrepreneur Giuseppe Roma, former member and president of Brindisi football between 2011 and 2013, when a consortium of entrepreneurs from Brindisi was formed. Also in this case the club was taken over by a consortium.

The press release does not indicate the names of the other shareholders nor does it make reference to the distribution of shares. From what has filtered in the last few days, the majority shareholder (to be understood whether relative or absolute) should be the Roman entrepreneur Marco Dova, sole shareholder of Datamanagement Italia, a company that provides digital services to public administrations. Brindisi entrepreneur Damiano Pozzessere, former vice-president of Brindisi, should also be part of the corporate structure.

The new club will start again from the Serie D championship, after a disastrous year in Serie C, which culminated in the shame of relegation and marked by a series of disputes. The new ownership will inherit a six-point penalty (to which more could be added) to be served next season. By the first ten days of July, the consortium will have to resolve the debts accumulated by the previous management with the League. This is an essential condition for registering for the next championship.

The press release

This morning, at the Lexat notary office in Rome, the social capital of Brindisi Football Club Srl was reconstituted by a consortium of entrepreneurs. With the takeover of the new ownership structure, member Giuseppe Roma was designated as president of the club. Thus a new page opens in the history of Brindisi football, the first step of a path that looks at the definition of a new perspective and a new project, credible and competitive, but above all capable of recreating a climate of trust and expectations around to the greatest expression of football in the city.

The company is expected to complete a protocol of obligations which will have to lead to registration in the national Serie D championship, by July 14th, and to the creation of a management structure called upon to set up a competitive team and assign any other technical and operational role . The management will immediately be at work to develop talents, plan the sports season, manage human and technical resources as well as establish effective communication inside and outside the organization.

The new ownership is fully aware of the challenges that this transition entails, but is equally determined to firmly pursue the established objectives. The Brindisi Football Club is committed to keeping communication channels open with all the city’s players – fans, institutions, bodies, companies and communities – to guarantee transparency and involvement in the realization of the ambitious sporting project. We would like to thank the Arigliano family for what has been done in recent years, now outside the new corporate structure.

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