Italy 24 Press News

Trame 13 takes stock of healthcare in Calabria

Chronic sinusitis. This is the diagnosis that Salvatore Naccari receives in a health facility in Vibo Valentia. Without any in-depth control, also due to a lack of machinery. But when Naccari decides to go to Legnano, the neurologist not only carries out complete tests but finds the presence of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma never previously noticed.

Naccari’s story is part of the investigation, which aired in March on the Presadiretta program on Rai3, Sanità spa by Francesca Nava, Antonella Bottini and Marianna De Marzi. An investigation that highlighted the problems of a region like Calabria which appears to be the first for the so-called healthcare migration.

Nava once again denounces it, bringing the investigation she carried out to the stage of Trame.13. “The privatization of healthcare – has explained – advances in a subtle way. And where public healthcare lags behind, private healthcare advances. Calabria has been under commissionership for fourteen years, the debt is unquantifiable, it is no longer an attractive territory. Doctors no longer want to work in Calabria. Citizens are resigned, they no longer resort to public healthcare. There is no longer any awareness of one’s rights.”

Deserted competitions, healthcare emigration, privatisation: this is the disconcerting picture of public healthcare which is increasingly similar to a joint-stock company in Calabria too.

Since 2010 there has been a progressive disinvestment in public healthcare, which has increased investment in private healthcare from 12 to 25%. Calabria is not entitled to essential rights. Reimburse the northern regions with additional resources for those who leave.

Healthcare emigration takes away from the territories. If we lose the beacon of healthcare, we give up the Constitution. Differentiated autonomy gives up the dream of providing to all citizens. Differentiated autonomy. There is no funding for essential levels of care. We are discussing. Autonomy is a tax for everyone, a double tax for the citizens of the South” highlighted SVIMEZ general director Luca Bianchi.

As can be deduced from the report promoted by SVIMEZ “One country, two cures. The North-South gaps in the right to health” in 2022, of the 629 thousand healthcare migrants (volume of hospitalizations), 44% were residents of a Southern region. And according to the evaluations of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), in the two-year period 2021-2022, in Italy approximately 70% of women aged 50-69 underwent checks: approximately two out of three did so by adhering to the free screenings. Overall coverage is 80% in the North, 76% in the Centre, but drops to just 58% in the South.

The vice-president of the health commission Amalia Cecilia Bruni also participated in the debate, moderated by LA7 journalist Patty Torchia. On the “escape” from the South to receive assistance in health facilities in the North, especially for the most serious pathologies, she said: “the Gemelli is made up of 1/3 Calabrian personnel. But those who can go out, everyone else gives up on treatment.” Bruni harshly attacked differentiated autonomy, calling it “unacceptable nonsense on the part of this Government”.

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