Italy 24 Press News

‘Yet another slap to the inhabitants of the Strait in the latest Council of Ministers’

We receive and publish the press note of the movement No Bridge Calabria.

The decree reads subjects first criticisms, which should have adapted the national legislation on the mining sector to European standardsturns into yet another violent and arrogant act towards populations of the Strait, in favor of the speculative interests of Strait of Messina and WeBuild.

Reading the first journalistic indiscretions on this Pontist blitz had made us think of a joke resulting from the heat of these days: no mention of the project Bridge over the Strait in the usual press release that follows the sessions of Cabinet, no words in the press conference following the approval of the legislative decree.

And instead this legislative decree allows theapproval of the Bridge project for “functional excerpts”, paving the way for what has always been our fear: allowing the opening of infinite construction sites, without knowing whether the Bridge will actually ever be built and, at the same time, allowing private individuals to pay, allowing them to claim any penalties.

Ask the Calabrian and Sicilian parliamentarians to oppose the conversion into law of this decree with a burst of pride and dignity seems like a wasted effort to us: just think of how they voted on differentiated autonomy just a few days ago.

And so, in addition to actions such as the class action that so many of us have signed up to, we are left with only the firm popular determination to prevent the opening of deadly construction sites.

And this i enemies of the Strait they know this well, so much so that they have proposed what some have defined as the ‘very fascist’ Security Law which provides for a series of particularly severe penalties not only for those who physically oppose the opening of a construction site, but also for those who are simply found in possession of a flyer calling for a blockade of construction sites. For all this it is even more important to find each other today at 5.30pm in Reggio CalabriaPiazza Italia, to say No to the Security Legislative Decree and No to any action, such as this Pontist blitz, which affects the territories, the populations that live there, the local institutions, the real interests and the possibilities of building a sustainable future.


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