Italy 24 Press News

Roma Stadium, the project doesn’t take off: “Construction sites stopped since April” – – Latest news As Roma football – Interviews, photos and videos

Technical meetings have become increasingly rarer in the Capitol. Roma would like to inaugurate it in 2027

The objective declared by Roma, at the beginning of the Pietralata adventure, was to open the new bushel for the centenary of the foundation of the company, June 2027as Fernando Magliaro reports on The messenger. A deadline now impossible to meet. Too many problems which follow one another and too slow in carrying out the different phases of the work they make respecting that date unrealistic. The last two obstacles came from justice: first the civil court and then the administrative court issued two different acts which, in fact, will prevent the technicians appointed by the Giallorossi club from accessing two different areas of Pietralata to carry out geological surveys and preventive archeology excavations. The Municipality will have to proceed with the final acts for the forced release of the area and the eviction. Acts which will almost certainly be challenged before the Regional Administrative Court which, in the best case scenario, will decide no earlier than 6 months later. According to what is said by the various No Stadium Committees, in reality the technicians of the company appointed by Rome to carry out the surveys would no longer be working since the interruption to monitor nesting. Not only. Even in the Capitol, technical meetings have become increasingly fewer, for example to define the mobility structure.


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