Italy 24 Press News

Splendor of the Saint, in Padua the concert of I Solisti Veneti closes the Antoniano June 2024 – Nordest24

Among the events most awaited by the people of Padua is the concert on 27 June in Padua, in the Basilica del Santo at 9pm. Placed at the end of the June Antoniano and organized with the contribution of the Cariparo Foundation, the concert will have free admission while seats last. Guest of honor will be the French trumpeter Lucienne Rinaudin Varyleading artist of the famous Warner Classic record label and greatest exponent of the Great French Trumpet School.

The teacher Giuliano Carella will direct “The Venetian Soloists” in a program that will open with the performance of the Concerto Grosso op. 6 no. 4 by Corelli followed by Concerto n. 9 in D major for violin, strings and continuous bass, among the most significant of Vivaldi’s Third Opera “L’Estro Armonico”, in which the solo violin part will be performed, in an extremely virtuosic transposition, by Lucienne Renaudin Vary’s trumpet.

Subsequently, the due tribute to Giuseppe Tartini will be paid with the Symphony a quattro in G major for strings and continuous bass, while the Sonata in D major for harpsichord recently discovered at the interior of the musical archive of the Chapel of the Saint.

Renaudin Vary will once again be involved in one of the most famous oboe concerts in the history of music: the Concerto in C minor by Alessandro Marcello, which became famous for its second movement chosen as the main theme for the soundtrack of the film “Venetian Anonymous”. Marcello’s Oboe Concerto had achieved enormous diffusion throughout Europe already in the first year of publication. Confirmation of this is the transcription of the Concerto that Bach lovingly made for the harpsichord. At the time, in slow movements and cadences, composers left considerable freedom of improvisation to the performer who added the so-called blooms to the simple figurations present in the score. An example above all is this magnificent one Slowlysketched by Marcello and developed by Bach who with his blooms made him immortal. Also in this case, since the technique and range of the oboe are superior to those of the trumpet, the performance that the well-known French soloist will have to face is decidedly difficult.

The virtuosity will continue, thanks to the first violin of “I Solisti Veneti” Lucio Degani, with the Concerto in D major RV 212 for violin, strings and continuous bass written by Vivaldi “for the SS Solemnity of the Language of Sant’Antonio in Padua, 1712 ”. The Red Priest, who wanted to amaze the Paduan public with his extreme violin technique in order to obtain any further commissions, composed this Concerto specifically for the Basilica del Santo.

After this virtuosic succession of works characterized by a swirling crescendo typical of Italian and especially Venetian baroque, Lucienne Renaudin Vary and “I Solisti Veneti” directed by Giuliano Carella will close the concert and the June Antoniano with an intimate and poignant piece, characterized by a very sweet melodic line created by the greatest Argentine tango composer of the 20th century: the “Ave Maria”, also known by the title “Many years before”, by Astor Piazzolla. A program of intense emotional and sonic impact that honors the Antonian event par excellence, the important anniversary of “I Solisti Veneti” founded by Claudio Scimone in 1959 and the extraordinary union between the Orchestra and this young and already very important French artist. Collaboration that will be replicated within the program of the very important Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival in two events, on 15 and 16 August, in Hamburg and Meldorf. The concert on August 15th will also be broadcast live by ZDF (German national television network).


Concerto Grosso in D major op. 6 no. 4 for strings and continuous bass
From the Third Opera “L’Estro Armonico” Concerto n. 9 in D major for trumpet, strings and continuous bass (from violin)
Sonata in D major for harpsichord, first performed in modern times

Sonata discovered in the musical archive of the Cappella del Santo

Symphony for four in G major for strings and continuous bass
Concerto in C minor for trumpet, strings and continuous bass (from the oboe)
Concerto in D major RV 212 written “for the SS Solemnity of the Language of Saint Anthony in Padua, 1712”
for violin, strings and continuous bass
“Ave Maria” for trumpet and strings


Tel. 049-666128 – E-mail: [email protected]

INFO JUNE ANTONIANO – Facebook: June Antoniano /

Tel. 049-8225652 – E-mail: [email protected]

The Antonian June 2024 And organized from the Municipality of Padua, the Pontifical Basilica of St. Anthony, the Province of St. Anthony of Padua of the Conventual Friars Minor, the Diocese of Padua, the Veneranda Arca of St. Anthony, the Messaggero di Sant’Antonio Editrice, the Archconfraternity of Sant’Antonio, the Study Center Antoniani, Museo Antoniano, with the collaboration of the Secular Franciscan Order of Padua, the Corsia del Santo – Placido Cortese Association, the Palio Arcella cultural association.

The realization of the event is possible thanks to contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo Foundation, the Padua Chamber of Commerce, Confindustria Veneto Est.

Antonian June 2024 also has the patronage of the Municipality of Camposampiero (PD) and of the Antonio 800 Project of the Italian Province of S. Antonio di Padova.

There media partnership is in collaboration with «Messaggero di sant’Antonio», «Messaggero dei Ragazzi», Telepace and Rete Veneta of the Medianordest Group.

The heartfelt thanks of those who organize the event go to all these entities.

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