Italy 24 Press News

Palazzetto, the Municipality of Trento “calls” private individuals

The Municipality of Trento is appealing to private individuals to build the new building in the former Italcementi area. «The energies of private individuals – says the mayor Franco Ianeselli – will be important». Meanwhile, on Piazzale Sanseverino, currently used as a car park and owned by the University of Trento, nothing is unbuttoned, however it allows us to imagine a possible function: «A space for aggregation». Both the square and the former Italcementi area (in particular the southern part) will be at the center of a competition of ideas (on Saturday 22 June ed). The competition, in particular, will concern a master plan (a general plan) that goes from the Right Adige to the other side of the river. In agreement with the Province, the Municipality has decided to publish a tender, scheduled for next autumn, to collect proposals on the design of this area, which includes the sports hall, the stations of the Trento-Monte Bondone cable car (the one starting at former Sit and the intermediate one at the former Italcementi), the multi-storey car park at the former Italcementi, the Sanseverino square and, above all, the cycle/pedestrian walkway over the Adige, among the works already financed. «The idea of ​​the master plan derives from the study on the relationship between the city and the river – explains Ianeselli – The objective is to work for continuity in this area, and not for individual blocks. We want to keep the two parts of the Adige river together.” In Destra Adige, a new arena with 5-6 thousand seats and a hypothetical cost of 30 million euros is planned. «The building will host a variety of functions – confirms the mayor – It will certainly host the volleyball and basketball teams, but it will also be able to host musical concerts. The building opens up to the social vocation that will characterize that neighborhood, where the construction of a student residence is also planned.” Obviously «it is a question of (re)updating the Piedicastello guide plan because initially a conference center was planned». Times? «They will depend on the energies of private individuals – he replies – The path of contributing to the construction of the arena in the face of agreements with private individuals is an interesting scheme». Alternatively, “it will be the Province that will have to bear the expense: the Municipalities – he says – have given up the possibility of incurring debt to the Province”. On Sanseverino “the ownership belongs to the University, with which a dialogue is underway – says Ianeselli – We will need to understand the constraints imposed”.

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