Italy 24 Press News

The Calabrian fugitive Luigi Galizia arrested in Sala Consilina. He killed 2 women in a cemetery

The fugitive Luigi Galizia, aged 42, was arrested in Sala Consilina, in the province of Salerno. He was the recipient of a detention order issued on 28 December by the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic at the Court of Appeal of Catanzaro. The man was wanted after his definitive life sentence for the murder of Edda Costabile and Ida Attanasio, which occurred on 30 October 2016 in the cemetery of San Lorenzo del Vallo, a small town in the Cosentino area.

Galizia killed Francesco Attanasio’s mother and sister with several gunshots to avenge the killing by the latter of his brother Damiano Galizia. Galizia was identified by the carabinieri of the provincial commands of Salerno and Cosenza inside a house located in via Grammatico, rented through a Calabrian real estate agency. At the moment it would be excluded that the owners of the house knew who Luigi Galizia really was and the criminal records against him. From what has been learned, the capture took place by the Carabinieri of the Sala Consilina Company who, during the night, managed to find him and capture him while he had been hiding for about three months inside a house in the historic center of the city.

Following investigations carried out by the soldiers of the Compagnia di San Marco Argentano, coordinated by the General Prosecutor’s Office of Catanzaro. At the sight of the soldiers, the man did not resist. According to what has been learned, the Carabinieri managed to track down the fugitive by following the movements of his partner. Galizia was taken to Salerno prison. The investigations by the Carabinieri soldiers continue in detail, above all to ascertain whether the man could have had connections or connections in Sala Consilina, which allowed him to remain in hiding.

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