Italy 24 Press News

at 12 just 12.22% voted

Local elections 2024

June 23, 2024


In Avellino at 12 just 12.22% voted while in nearby Montoro 12.34%: in both cases, turnout halved compared to the first round.

The turnout figure for the ballots plummets: in Avellino, at 12pm today, Sunday 23 June, just 12.22% of those entitled to vote voted, half of those who had voted in the first round (24.17%). Dropping turnout in runoff elections is a fairly frequent phenomenon: but few objectively thought of a collapse of this magnitude. The weather may have had a big impact: with a sunny Sunday but without the heat and with temperatures just below 30 degrees, it is likely that many preferred to go to the seaside: we will see this at 11pm, for the final data of the day. It must also be said that in the first round the data refers to the interval 15-23 on Saturday 8 June, but the numbers still remain worrying.

At the end of the day, with the data of those who perhaps return from the sea will go to the polls, it will be possible to have a more complete picture: and it is not excluded that many may opt for tomorrow, during the working day, perhaps before going to the office. The same candidates for mayor, Laura Nargi and Antonio Gengarowent to the polls after midday: the first at the Leonardo Da Vinci school, the second at the Francesco Solimena school.

Things aren’t any better in Montoro, another municipality in the province of Irpinia where people are voting again for the mayor: at 12pm today just 12.34% of those entitled to vote had voted, compared to 25.89% in the first round. The two-way race is between Girolamo Giacquinto, outgoing mayor, and the challenger Salvatore Antonio Carratù. Here too, however, the trend at the end of today will have to be seen, for the same reasons already indicated for the race for mayor of Avellino.

2024 municipal elections, turnout at 12% at 12pm in the run-offs: the lowest figure in Bari

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