Italy 24 Press News

North Matera axis, Materdomini replies to Italia Viva – Oltre Free Press

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In reference to the meeting held last Wednesday with the developers of the Matera Nord axis, the councilor for urban planning, Antonio Materdomini, makes some clarifications following the statement from Italia Viva. «During the meeting, agreed following discussions that took place in recent months – clarifies the councilor – various critical issues were addressed, including the intervention necessary to reduce the flood restriction on that portion of territory which, I remember for the sake of For the record, it is a regional responsibility as it concerns soil protection, and for which the Municipality can at most become the implementing body. The definition of the interventions to be carried out on the Matera-Altamura axis may be explored in depth and possibly modified during the drafting of the municipal structural plan – Materdomini points out – but at the moment there is already a regulatory system, which indicates the procedures for drawing up an overall project . In all this I do not understand the rationale of the statement, which attributes the blocking of the procedure to the Bennardi Administration. Placing the blame on Mayor Bennardi has now become the favorite sport of those who try to seek visibility and consensus, hoping to obtain who knows what political result. This Administration – concludes Materdomini – has taken the problem to heart since it took office, meeting the developers and trying to provide answers to the requests of the entrepreneurs, without proclamations and press releases bandied about from the rooftops but in dialogue with the citizens”.

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