Italy 24 Press News

Ianeselli’s challenges towards the vote: «The Trento-Bondone cable car? An opportunity”

In recent days he has received the green light from the Chamber for the last real maneuver of the council. «A substantial adjustment» admits the mayor Franco Ianeselli. He is now preparing for the final “sprint” of his mandate. With an eye already on next year’s elections – of which he will be the protagonist, given the trust confirmed in him by the coalition – but without losing sight of the challenges that the capital will have to face in the coming months: the major works, but also the care of the city. Physical and social.
Mayor Ianeselli, let’s start with the assessment: in fact the last real budget of the council. What are the key points?
«This is certainly a substantial settlement, worth 30 million. Which has a key word behind it: care.”
In what sense?
«This is not a budget that is based on a single great work but on many interventions. Let’s be clear, Trento is preparing for an extraordinary three-year period – from 2024 to 2026 – for major works. I’m thinking of the bypass, the intermodal hub at the former Sit, the Trento-Bondone cable car. And I remember the use of an additional 1.8 million for the new Olympic swimming pool at Ghiaie. The first race was deserted: it was very unpleasant. Now the resources have reached 18 million: I am convinced that we will be able to create an excellent plant. With the aim of completing it with the “bath” for heating».
He talked about care.
“Exact. The settlement includes many works in this sense. I am thinking of the thirteenth month’s salary for those who receive the supplementary contribution to the rent, of the further investment for the disabled. But also to maintenance, with particular reference to schools.”
So a double level: the great works, but also everyday life?
“Yes. I don’t insist too much on the ranking that rewards us as the happiest city in Europe: I only mention it to tell us that we must also love each other. But it’s clear that having both big plans and mending activities is important. As the anarchist Élisée Reclus said, a good city is one that has both knowledge and a nature that enters the urban fabric. And we are immersed in the Alpine landscape.”
Staying on the topic, in recent days attention has once again focused on the Trento-Bondone cable car. The operators are enthusiastic, the coordination of entrepreneurs sets some limits. What does he answer?
«The cable car was an explicit objective of my program. And I continue to consider it an extraordinary connection opportunity between city and mountains for tourists and residents. It should not be experienced as a ski lift but as an opportunity to connect with the mountains all year round. Today we are moving from words to deeds: for example, we obtained 37.5 million from Rome. Five years ago no one would have believed it. There are those who talk about costs, but for infrastructures that change the city it is not correct to focus the discussion on the deficit. If this were the case, public transport should also be eliminated.”

Another work on which there is no end of discussion is the bypass. Now something seems to have moved.
«A worker friend of mine told me: “I’ve been six months away from retirement for ten years”. For the bypass it was more or less the same: they had been telling me for three months that the work would begin in 10 days. Now we have started in Mattarello and in July there will be the delivery of the executive for the northern part. Having said that the independent variable remains the health of citizens, I believe it is in everyone’s interest that the work is carried out. As far as we are concerned, we have decided to believe and invest in landfill. And that’s where the perspective remains.”
In the meantime, the question of the areas of northern Trento has also arisen. The Sequenza project has raised a lot of criticism. What does he say?
«Given that we are proceeding with maximum guarantees, there is a question of reliability: if the Prg provides for a building possibility, it cannot be questioned when it comes to construction. Regarding the height of the towers, it is clear that a point of balance will have to be found.”
Remaining on the critical notes: the assessment recorded Meano’s no.
«The crux was the project for a cycle path. A sort of retaliation, for me who is accused of thinking only of gentle mobility. In this case, it is clear that inserting a work of 4 million is not so simple. But there is no doubt about the desire to create connecting cycle paths even in the hills”
If, as it seems, the elections are in May 2025, he will still have one year left in office. How do you see this period?
«With some concern for how the opposition behaved during the adjustment. The FdI group leader announced a total break because we did not accept the proposal to name the dog areas after Lassie and Rin Tin Tin. High tones were used for an objectively minor issue. The concern is not to underestimate: whoever their mayoral candidate is will have to deal with these people.”
Staying on topic: are you afraid that, in view of the elections, the provincial centre-right will try to put you in difficulty?
«Above all, I fear that their internal divisions will also have repercussions on the Municipality. I think of the distance between the League and the Brothers of Italy. But also to the different internal views of Fratelli d’Italia”.
Returning to the year ahead. What are the challenges you want to complete?
«I’m thinking of a tangible goal. Councilor Casonato is carrying out a plan to clean the suburbs. If some places have their own neighborhood street cleaner – like Andrea in Gardolo – we encounter problems in the peri-urban areas: Clarina, San Pio
And the works? Will there be ribbon cuttings?
«No, they will all be in the next council meeting. But that’s okay: we have courageously launched strategic works for the city.”
There will be months in which Trento will still be the European capital of volunteering. What will this experience leave for the capital?
«We wanted to communicate the value of volunteering, to make it clear that those who volunteer succeed. And we are succeeding. Furthermore, there is a European flavor that the city has strengthened.”
How do you see the Trento of the future?
«I see it as a city of friendship, courageous. And increasingly sustainable.”

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