Italy 24 Press News

Parcel with oil from Andria does not arrive at its destination, the sad story to the detriment of a family

A reader of wanted to talk to us about an unpleasant episode regarding a precious one shipping which started from the Frederick city under the best auspices and ended in style disappointing beyond that harmful for the customer:

According to what we learn, days ago our fellow citizen, confident of the professionalism of a company specialized in extra-regional shipmentswent to the agency specializing in this service to send two cans of oil home to be delivered to his daughter, resident in a municipality located in Northern Italy. The resistance of the physical material (metal cans well packed in cardboard suitable for shipping) convinced our fellow citizen to avoid choosing the option of insurance coverage. The initiative, evidently started as a gesture of love by a father of the family towards that daughter who, despite her distance, could thus guarantee a supply of that precious oil produced in its homeland, unfortunately, only occurred a half:

Of the two cans, apparently, only one reached its destination. Of the other, not even a shadow. Our user then asked the agency for information, receiving an unusual “justification”: one of the oil cans reportedly broke during transportation and it would not even have been possible to recover it. To the detriment, the insult of lack of insurancewhich consequently prevented the customer from obtaining a minimum reimbursement. Faced with similar episodes, we also want to make the companies in charge of this important and delicate service reflect: lack of insurance coverage cannot justify superficial forms of service or solidarity towards a customer who has placed his trust in the company and who could never have imagined that one durable metal canin turn kept in well packaged parcels, it could have “broken” before disappearing into thin air. We therefore strongly advise our readers to carry out the necessary investigations (verification of reviewsword of mouth from customers etc…) before choosing one company over another.

#andria #shipping

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