Italy 24 Press News

Fire prevention for the 2024 summer season, the “task force” of the municipality of Acireale

Yesterday evening in the council chamber the final report of the “Task Force” was presented, established by the administration to deal with the administrative and control tasks regarding fire prevention for the 2024 summer season. The report was signed by the manager of the environment and civil protection area Nicola Russo. “We were far-sighted. I thank the offices and all the members who responded positively to my idea of ​​creating a task force which was to deal solely with fire prevention, with the mapping and verification of all the land and the issuing of warnings and sanctions. Now we plan to start replacement interventions to the detriment of those who have not cleaned their land. We are satisfied that we organized ourselves in time, the work done was also recognized by the regional Civil Protection and the Fire Brigade. With the means and tools available we have been at the forefront from this point of view. I thank the offices and all the members of the task force who in this month and a half have dedicated themselves to incessant work, with the mapping and notification of the documents – comments the mayor Roberto Barbagallo -. I remember that those who do not clean their land create a danger to the safety of others.”

“This month, 404 warnings have been issued, the data is constantly updated, as are the notifications and sanctions. All the work was carried out within the scheduled time and all the documentation was sent to the regional Department, – the councilor for Civil Protection and local police Giuseppe Vasta declared in the chamber. The establishment of the task force has given extraordinary results and the work done to make the city safe from fire risk has been recognized by the interlocutory bodies. I thank everyone, including the administrators, for the great work done. The work will continue to better face the summer season and thanks to the manager Nicola Russo, who has fully embraced the cause”.

“We arrived ready for the mid-May meeting at the Civil Protection Department, with the union ordinance already issued on April 15th in accordance with regional regulations. We have slavishly followed the implementation circular and the ordinance and this places us among the very few municipalities that have complied with what was requested by the Region by 30 May, the transmission of checks and updates made for the signing of the agreement for interventions against damage by the Department. The temporary unit has worked beyond all limits and I thank every single member of the task force. With the final report we conclude our work – declared the coordinator of the task force Nicola Russo -. We have fulfilled our obligations towards the regional circular, but some large areas require intensification of controls which will continue in the Civil Protection sector. The municipal tanker will be fixed in the next few days and we will improve the agreement with Arcicaccia so that we can intervene promptly in case of emergencies and we are updating the municipal civil protection plan”.

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