Italy 24 Press News

Polito said, the former Delle Vedove approves: ‘Catanzaro, what a coup’

The times when we shared the locker room and walked onto the pitch wearing the same shirt are more than twenty years ago; today has changed everything a bit – roles, uniforms and backgrounds first of all – but even though it has placed them on opposite sides of the desk, even though it has made them each engaged in negotiations rather than games, it has not changed the frank relationship at all and sincere of the past. That of Acireale, of that 2003-2004 season in which Gianni Delle Vedove – former Catanzaro, now FIFA agent – ​​and Ciro Polito – goalkeeper at the time, now newly invested by the Giallorossi – crossed destinies and careers. A lifetime ago, it seems. Filled in the middle with a thousand and more opportunities for discussion at the market tables which, with boots hanging up, have never stopped adding up. The official signing of the former Bari manager by the Eagles – a two-year contract with an option for a third year – is news twenty-four hours fresh: «I haven’t called him yet to wish him good luck but I will do so as soon as possible – says the old comrade invited to comment – ​​One thing is certain though: Catanzaro made a great success with him.”

KEYWORD: AMBITION – We really have to go back to that shared past in Sicily to understand what the former midfielder means and what his reasoning is based on. «He was a little smaller than me but he already demonstrated a great personality and an enviable attachment to his work – he recalls – he trained to the maximum, you could see that he wanted to get there; he never left anything to chance and that’s why he then saw the horizons of the top flight open up.” According to Delle Vedove, Polito was able to pour all of that same drive and character into his new role, as comfortable between contracts and operations as before in goal. «As a director it’s a bit the same: a person who loves challenges and doesn’t neglect the slightest detail; he works across the board, he also takes risks but he does so with the awareness of someone who believes in his ideas.” The previous experiences of Castellammare, Ascoli and also Bari, to tell the truth, confirm this in terms of results, between promotions achieved and missed and even salvations brought home successfully: «When he arrived in the red and white there was no enthusiasm and yet he, together with other actors, he managed to recreate it, going within five seconds of Serie A – underlines Delle Vedove – This can be considered a challenge won; then last year he suffered like the whole environment but he managed to maintain the category so it cannot be said that he won but nor that he lost. Entering a context like the current Catanzaro won’t be easy but I’m sure he will be able to find the key to doing well.”

REAL CHALLENGE – It certainly cannot be said to be a simple mission on paper given the starting point from which the Giallorossi will start again in August, fresh protagonists of an exhilarating season at their debut in Serie B and with the mad desire to repeat themselves. «Catanzaro had an exceptional year, going even beyond the expectations that were legitimate for a newly promoted team – the ex’s comment – he competed against battleships built for the jump in category and proved to be equal, he played a game making many Serie A teams envious, and this will certainly make comparisons between the before and the after, between those who were there and those who are there, inevitable among the fans. I understand that at this moment the people are probably feeling a bit of apprehension at having seen the architects of the victories of the last two years leave; But this is football, nothing lasts for too long and trust in those who start working from now on will be fundamental.” We will also have to work on the staff if it is true as it is true that Vivarini will not be the coach next season and whoever comes in his place – Aquilani is the chosen one but it must be closed – will most likely try to bring in a few more lieutenants : «The work done in the past sessions by Magalini was extraordinary: an experienced sporting director who will start from an equally renowned place – says Delle Vedove – Polito knows his stuff, he will be able to make his mark. He will discover that the people of Catanzaro demand a lot but give double in terms of affection: it is a special environment that if you know it, it stays inside you and I know something about it.” Together with the “Ceravolo” like that time, as opponents, in the grenade shirt, on 25 April 2004? «Why not – the joke – I’ll take a trip around those parts soon and willingly».

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