Italy 24 Press News

Brindisi, revocation of delegations, today the majority summit

A first step or the day of truth: today there will be the announced vertex Of majority on the changes to be made in the council, after the document signed by 19 city councilors which asked the mayor Joseph Marchionna to rethink the delegations in the city executive. The confrontation will see as protagonists both the political formations in support of the current administration and the group leaders of the various formations in the council, who in recent days have shown more than one contrast especially between the two majority shareholders (Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia), criticizing a disconnect between the commissions and the members of the council.

In the sights

In particular, the two councilors with the most votes in the latest administrative elections, respectively Massimiliano Oggiano And Gianluca Quarta. For now, at least according to some members of the majority, this is the only certain passage in this matter. For the president of the municipal council Gabriele Antonino of the PRI, one of those who initially (when the request was for the council to be eliminated) was among those most sceptics, «the party’s position in terms of content has remained the same: what interests us above all is the programme. We must stick to that, take it back in hand and verify what has been done, what needs to be done, what has not been done and implement all the actions necessary to complete it.” As Antonino himself recalls, «over the days there has been an evolution because a document from some councilors was released and, as we had the opportunity to declare even then as a party, we have adapted by taking note of what the sentiment is and the mood of the city council.”

The wait

We are trying to understand what will emerge from today’s meeting, even if the PRI itself «having no councilors we are listeners rather than protagonists of this possible reshuffle or moment of reflection on the council. But we will reiterate, even there, that for us the program comes first, entrusting its implementation in the hands of the mayor.” In this context, the president of the city council does not want to go into predictions about the times: «I couldn’t say. The mayor summoned the provincial secretariats and the group leaders, it was our request to discuss with the parties. We’ll see for a moment what the feelings of the others will be.” Roberto Quarta, by his own admission, will not take part in the summit, as he is at the center of an expulsion procedure from the Fratelli d’Italia advisory group with which he was elected. But there is still the intention to show closeness to the mayor, in whom he says he has full confidence also on the basis of the new document, signed “independently”, whereas previously he had asked for a fresh start “with serious and trained technicians ”. Fourth, however, does not fail to highlight the contrasts within Fdi itself: «The situation is paradoxical, because the party in the representation of the provincial president Luigi Caroli and the city commissioner Cesare Mevoli had expressed itself against the elimination of the council, while three members of Brothers of Italy had requested it. In this situation, I don’t think there are the conditions to be represented and for this reason yesterday (Thursday, editor’s note) I called the mayor confirming my maximum trust in him and, even if I would have asked for the council’s dismissal for the failed management of the councillors, I told him given my personal delegation: what he decides is fine with me.”



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