Italy 24 Press News

‘Cosenza Nuova’, procedures have begun to protect the area between Corso Mazzini, Corso Umberto and via Rivocati

COSENZZA – The Town Planning Councilor of the Municipality of Cosenza, Pina Incarnatemet this morning, in the headquarters of the Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of the province of Cosenza, the architect Nicola Ruggeri, official of the Superintendence itself and, in videoconference, also the Superintendent, doctor Paola Aurino. At the center of the meeting, which was very fruitful and cordial, was communication on the part of the Superintendence, of the initiation of the declaration procedure of notable public interest, for the peculiarities of the urban landscape represented by “Cosenza Nuova”, that is, that part of the urban area of ​​Cosenza in which the historical dynamics and artistic and architectural trends characterizing the first half of the last century are recognizable and well preserved, both on the urban level and on the scale of individual buildings. In particular, the restriction falling on the area of ​​notable public interest concerns the area between Corso Mazzini, Corso Umberto and via Rivocati.

Incarnato: “we welcome the communication from the Superintendence”

The communication was very favorably received by the Incarnate Councillor. “We welcome the decisions of the Superintendence with great pleasure – said Pina Incarnato – also by virtue of the fact that in our municipal structural plan the forecasts went precisely in the direction of extending the boundaries of the historic center. We do not want – the Councilor for Urban Planning further explained – for them to arise in the area decontextualized buildings. In fact, we believe that the restriction represents a way to enhance places that we consider to be of particular value, given that there is architecture that must be preserved. Our hope, therefore, is that every building intervention always has that propensity to renovate and guarantee seismic safety for those who live in the buildings. We – concluded Pina Incarnato – will take care to have particular regard also for the context and therefore we will work together with the Superintendence, with particular attention, also keeping an eye on any reconstruction interventions on buildings, such as the one recently demolished in Corso Umberto. We are perfectly in line with the definition of the Superintendence that in speaking of “Cosenza Nuova” refers to a landscape of exceptional beauty as an area that represents the full expression of a specific society and a given historical period, the result of the first urban planning experiments in the modern sense”.

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