Italy 24 Press News


Michele Mignani and Davide Vaira will be Modena’s opponents in Serie B which starts in mid-August. For the former it is a certainty, given that the Sienese coach, in the yellow-blue team from 2019 to 2021, has signed until June 2026 with the newly promoted Cesena, taking the place of Toscano, who has not been confirmed. For Vaira, however, it is a negotiation that is now nearing its conclusion: after having been one step away from Sampdoria, the former yellow-blue sporting director of the last 3 championships is ready to sign for Pisa, where he will replace the former Carpi player Stefanelli who has landed at Juventus. Meanwhile, three weeks after the meeting on 11 July, the yellow-blue sporting director Andrea Catellani is also involved in the thinning out of Mister Bisoli’s squad, with the players who are on the transfer market or who are no longer part of the project. One of these is Jacopo Manconi, who arrived 12 months ago and slowly dropped off the radar of both Bianco and Bisoli. The former Albinoleffe striker is very popular in Lega Pro, with the ambitious Trapani or the fallen nobles Vicenza and Benevento who have put him in the notebook. For Romeo Giovannini’s farewell, to be evaluated whether on loan or definitive, is almost certain: the attacking midfielder is liked by Carpi who launched him, but more likely he will end up in a “big” C or at Cosenza of the new coach Alvini. Then there is the future of Abdoul Guiebre to understand, who after returning from Bari could be considered at least retiring from Bisoli before a new and perhaps definitive failure in the yellow-blue team.

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