Italy 24 Press News

Maxi brawl at the station in Gallarate, Police Commissioner issues seven ‘Daspo Willie’

The intensification of surveillance and control services also to protect public order and safety arranged in Gallarate by the Varese Police Commissioner Dr. Carlo Ambrogio Enrico Mazza made it possible to develop an investigative activity carried out by the local Public Safety Commissioner, which resulted in the referral, for various reasons, to the competent Judicial Authority of 10 subjects, one of which is a minor, for the crimes of brawling, carrying objects capable of offending and aggravated threat.

Furthermore, against the same suspects, the Police Commissioner, following the investigative activity of the Anti-Crime Police Division, issued the so-called “Daspo Willie”
, which will prohibit daspati from accessing for two years the premises and public businesses located in the city center of Gallarate and in the area adjacent to the railway station. Specifically, the Gallarate Police Department reconstructed the violent episodes that occurred near the city railway station on 3 June, noting that everything had its origins in a previous brawl, which occurred in the same area and which had seen two opposing factions clash. From the reconstruction of the events, in particular, it was established that the two groups, which faced each other on 3 June, were made up of one of sub-Saharan origins and the other of young North Africans, Albanians and Romanians.

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