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Business crisis, experts meeting at the Avellino Chamber of Commerce


The master’s degree “Business Crisis and Insolvency”, organized by the Orders of Accountants and Lawyers of Avellino in agreement with the University of Salerno, ends. Today, June 21st, with the final workshop the curtain will fall on the series of meetings, which began in February and took place on a weekly basis in the conference room of the historic headquarters of the Irpinia Sannio Chamber of Commerce in Piazza Duomo in Avellino.

The short master aroused particular interest, registering a sold out, given the very sensitive topic for the local economy and the presence of nationally renowned speakers who took turns in the classroom. «An excellent result that brought prestige to the city for 5 months, bringing here the best Italian insolvency practitioners, accountants and lawyers – declares the accountant Ottavio Barretta, one of the organizers of the Master -. Avellino was mentioned by many magazines in the sector with appreciation for the high level of the event, which made its own contribution to the local economy, filling hotels and restaurants and involving local companies for the many collateral services”.

The Master involved not only the Order of Accountants and Lawyers of Avellino and the Avellino Accountants Foundation, but also Confindustria, the Irpinia Sannio Chamber of Commerce and ANCE Avellino: «A synergistic work that has proven to be an instrument in able to offer an excellent service to professionals in the sector – continues Barretta -. The great response to this first Short Master, created on the initiative of the Accountants Association, and immediately well received by the Bar Association, gives us hope for a continuation, which we will be happy to announce as soon as possible».

The theme of the last module, which took place on 14 June, was dedicated to “Provisions on tax and criminal matters. Title IV and Title IX CCII” with focus on tax and contribution transactions, pathology of business crisis between criminal and civil regulations, bankruptcy crimes and crimes of falsehood in certificates and reports. Topics on which the chartered accountant Giulio Andreani, tax representative of the PWC Tax & Legal Crisis, as well as the most important tax expert of the business crisis in Italy, signature of “Il Sole 24 Ore” and support of the largest companies in relation to the matter in question, and the criminal lawyer Luigi Petrillo who will intervene on the purely legal aspects relating to the business crisis.

The last day on the calendar, scheduled for today 21 June, will, however, be centered on the laboratory with the intervention of Dr. Gemma Iermano, Official Responsible for the Second Area of ​​the Irpiniasannio Chamber of Commerce: «We have made the collaboration between the Orders and the Chamber of Commerce – explains Barretta – with a practical lesson in which all the chamber obligations which the various institutes in business crisis are required to fulfill will be exposed».

A collaboration also shared with the sponsors, starting from the main supporter, the Bcc of Flumeri, but also from Cosmopol, Ance, Confindustria and Dulcis in Furno: «Beyond the great response in terms of members from the Orders involved, the interesting thing was the synergy with the sponsors who took the opportunity to have their respective employees follow the master’s course for free in order to broaden their skills – concludes Barretta -. Which we hope to be able to repeat in the future.”

The coordination of the course was carried out by the accountants Ottavio Barretta, Councilor of the Order of Accountants of Avellino with Business Crisis delegation and Walter Palermo, President of the Odcec Business Crisis Commission of Avellino and by the lawyers Carmen Pellino, Member of the Business Crisis Commission National Union of Civil Chambers and Carlo Frasca, Councilor Treasurer of the Avellino Bar Association. All under the supervision of the respective presidents of the Order, Dr. Mario Lariccia and the lawyer Fabio Benigni.

Among the prominent names who have taken turns in the courtroom since February we include the Delegated Judge of the Court of Avellino, Pasquale Russolillo, then the President of the Bankruptcy Section of the Court of Salerno, Giorgio Iachia, the Delegated Judge of the Court of Salerno Sara Serritiello, the Delegated Judge of the Court of Verona Luigi Pagliuca, the President of the Corporate Matters Section of the Court of Venice, Silvia Bianchi. There are also many Specialized Competitors including Professor Stefano Ambrosini, Professor Stefania Pacchi, Professors Sergio Menchini, Claudio Cecchella, Bruno Meoli, Giorgio Fontana and doctors Walter Palermo and Tommaso Nigro.

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