Italy 24 Press News

it is Ankoneide. A philoshow at the Roman amphitheatre

Popsophia’s new show, ‘Ankoneide’, makes its debut this evening at the Roman Amphitheater in Ancona, where the ancient and the contemporary come together to celebrate the summer solstice. For weeks there has been great anticipation for this event, which opens the city’s program of summer events. The added value is precisely the location. After long years of closure, in fact, Ancona residents and tourists can regain possession of this site which represents an important piece of Doric history and identity.

And the wait was double: the one to be able to walk again among the ancient stones of the Roman era and the one for the new exhibition by Popsophia, designed specifically for this place which combines the classicism of its genesis with the contemporaneity of the languages ​​of the ‘creature’ by Lucrezia Ercoli.

Everything is ready: tickets have been sold out for days, just a few minutes after bookings open. A shuttle service has also been set up which from 7.50 pm will take spectators from the Archi car park to Piazza del Senato, near Via Birarelli, with a further stop in Piazza Santa Maria. The trips will be in rotation from 7.50pm to 9.10pm (for the return four trips from 11.15pm to 12.30am). ‘Ankoneide’ debuts with a philoshow that is in continuity with the theme of the festival that took place in March.

The return from darkness to light will be told through the languages ​​of music, cinema and TV series. It will be a highly evocative show, at sunset, overlooking the sea, led by the artistic director Lucrezia Ercoli, supported by the philosopher Simone Regazzoni. From pagan rites to religious and mystical symbolism linked to the rites that develop in all civilizations around the date in which light wins over darkness, Lucrezia Ercoli will intertwine the literary narrative with the musical one thanks to the live performances of the band Factory. Who will perform songs from the Italian and international musical tradition that deal with the theme of light, the sun, summer, with its expectations and hopes of happiness: from “Odio l’estate” to “Here comes the sun”, from ” Of sun and blue” to “Onda suonda”.

Offering an unprecedented point of view will be Simone Regazzoni, thinker and writer who in his book “Ocean, philosophy of the planet” philosophically rethought “Okeanós” as movement, flow. A paradigm opposite to that of the Earth for writing a new cosmology.

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