Italy 24 Press News

Cagliari, Conad space closes in Pirri and 75 Cagliaritans risk dismissal: the alarm goes off

Seventy-five other families on the brink of the abyss, one step away from dismissal and without any prospect of re-employment: this happens to the workers of the Spazio Conad Marconi store in Cagliari, for whom the company has announced the start of the dismissal procedure collective.

The announcement came yesterday during a meeting between Conad managers and the Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl and Uiltucs trade unions: “They painted an economically unsustainable picture for us – explained the regional secretaries Nella Milazzo, Giuseppe Atzori and Cristiano Ardau – essentially, they told us that the supermarket, which is the only business open in the shopping centre, no longer attracts customers, and that turnover has decreased to the point that the business has become uneconomical”.

All this happens despite a proactive union approach, with hypotheses of relocation to other Conad stores and incentivized redundancies which have already allowed the absorption of 112 redundancies compared to the original 187 employees.

In fact, this dispute did not arise yesterday, the crisis has been going on for some time but in recent years the appeals of the trade union organizations have remained in vain: the old council did nothing, and this despite the continuous requests, in particular to the regional department of Work.

And it is precisely the regional institutions that are the recipients, in addition to the Municipality and Prefecture, of an urgent meeting request to prevent what the unions define as a real social drama from taking place: “The repercussions would be enormous – underline Milazzo, Atzori and Ardau – we are talking about seventy-five families, most of them single-income, who if the collective dismissal procedure were to be carried out would find themselves overnight without anything, not even a prospect”.

For these reasons Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl and Uiltucs Uil ask the Region, in particular the Labor Department, for an urgent discussion with all the subjects involved: “Our objective is to avoid the dismissal procedure and activate a redundancy fund in derogation for then find a relocation in other soon-to-open commercial activities and supermarkets in the metropolitan area”.

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