Italy 24 Press News

Football, Lega Pro, Campobasso close to group B. Transfer negotiations continue

Lega Pro well ahead of schedule compared to past seasons. Never like this year will there be unpleasant queues regarding appeals and judicial disputes. The board of directors has clearly brought forward the times to avoid these situations which over the years have often led to delays in the start of tournaments. As the saying goes, fortune favors the bold, on this occasion there will be no recourse. Having ousted Ancona, out without appeal, in these days the Serie C board will formalize the inclusion of Milan under 23 in the squad. As regards the timing, the composition of the groups will be by the end of the month, while for the calendars it should not go beyond July 15th. Regarding Campobasso, as reported for days now, the geographical indication would seem to place the wolves in group B. Clearly we are talking about projections, at the moment there is no official confirmation, but from many fronts the common thought converges on the grouping of central Italy. A condition that could truly be unique for Campobasso, which for the first time in its history would play a Serie C tournament without competing with the teams from the South. A condition that, from what transpires from the rossoblù home circles, would be appreciated by the Stars and Stripes Society. We’ll see in the short term, certainly the football market could also undergo a significant change in the event of passage to group B.

Filipponi is working for Campobasso 24/25, between confirmations and negotiations these are the most intense days for the sporting director. We have named several names likely to wear the rossoblù jersey next season, in particular former players employed by Braglia in past seasons. From the striker Bernardotto, to the goalkeeper Pane, up to the external defender but also midfield slider Fabio Tito, an experienced player born in 1993, who seems to have concluded his long militancy with the Avellino shirt (four seasons with a total of 119 appearances with the white-green wolves). Even on the confirmation front there is no official news, as we have said on several occasions we hope to retain a good portion (8-10 units) of players returning from the championship season. Esposito’s loan has been confirmed for next year too, at the moment the players with a two-year contract are sure to stay. Safe because they have an existing contract but as we know if the cards on the table were to change

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