Italy 24 Press News

Beach Soccer | Championship debut with victory for Cagliari BS Women

After the international adventure of Nazaré, for the Cagliari Beach Soccer Women It’s championship time. Today, at the beach arena in Gaeta, the first day of the women’s Serie A took place which saw the Sardinians face off against the girls from Città di Milano. The islanders took home the first three points, beating the Lombards 6-5. Tomorrow the Cagliaritans will enjoy a day of rest, which will serve to recharge their batteries for the next match, scheduled for Saturday 22 June at 3.45pm against the new formation of AEK Crotone.

Milano starts off strong immediately and in the 1st minute tries with Xaxo, Pascale is careful and sends it to the corner. In the 4th minute Adri looks for the winning shot on a free kick, but the ball ends up high over the crossbar. A turn of the hands later and Privitera, on a free kick, kicks with his right foot, coldly placing the ball in the corner and opens the goal lottery. In the 9th minute Pascale looks for Illiano with a long throw, but the Milanese goalkeeper saves. A minute later here’s Taii with a right, but Noemì is very careful this time too. During the injury time granted by the referees, a good 5′ in, Adri and Vecchione tried to scare the City of Milan, but in the end it was their opponents who found the mark with Villar in the 14th minute, ending the first half in a draw.

In the second half of the game Naticchioni tries to worry Ruotolo after just two minutes, but the Sardinian goalkeeper averts the danger. In the 3rd minute Dominguez tries with his right foot, but sends it high over the crossbar. In the 7th minute Ponzini from midfield, with his left foot, finds a perfect cross shot that goes under the intersection and gives his team the lead over Cagliari. Not even time to celebrate when Taii, in the 8th minute, equalized the score from distance. At the end of regulation time Illiano takes a free kick awarded due to a handball by Jasna, Noemì saves. During the 3′ of injury time it was Naticchioni who became the protagonist and shortly before the final whistle he scored an excellent goal from distance with his left foot.

Only 2′ pass in the third half and Vecchione invents the perfect assist for Taii who, a few steps from the goal, makes no mistake and brings the score to 3-3. In the 6th minute Vecchione starred with a beautiful free kick and it was 4-3 for Cagliari. Two minutes later and Olivieri scores the island’s fifth goal behind Noemì. In the 9th minute Villar looks for a shot, Pascale saves. In the 11th minute Privitera extends the gap again by scoring the rossoblù’s sixth goal. At the end Pisa tries a scissors kick but finds the post to say no and a handful of seconds later Ponzini scores for the Milanese, giving hope to his team. During injury time Pascale makes a mistake and Xaxo takes advantage of it to net Lombardy’s fifth goal, but there is no more time and the victory goes to Cagliari.

CAGLIARI BEACH SOCCER: Pisa, Illiano, Olivieri, Ruotolo, De Pasquali, Pascale, Privitera, Adri, Tai, Dominguez, Vecchione. Coach: Silver.

CITY OF MILAN: Nagel; Xaxo, Noemì, Ponzini, Cirri; Parnoffi, Naticchioni, Villar. Coach: Polastri.
NETWORKS: 5′ pt Privitera (CBS); 12′ pt Villar (CDM); 7′ st Ponzini (CDM); 8′ st Taii (CBS); 12′ st Naticchioni (CDM); 2′ TT Tai (CBS); 6′ tt Vecchione (CBS); 8′ tt Olivieri (CBS); 11′ tt Privitera (CBS); 11′ tt Ponzini (CDM); 12′ tt Xaxo (CDM).

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