Italy 24 Press News

Liguria to drink at the gates, this year natural wines and queue-cutting QR codes

Liguria da bere reaches its seventeenth edition, adds a section dedicated to natural wines obtained from grapes grown without pesticides and a smartphone payment system to cut the queues. News amidst the consolidated certainties: two hundred labels protagonists in the traditional arrangement along Corso Cavour between Piazza del Mercato and the Public Gardens and thousands of tastings from Friday 28th to Sunday 30th June (consult the event programme).

“An event that has now become a symbol for our Chamber of Commerce – says the deputy vice-president Davide Mazzola -. For 2024 there are 56 producers arriving in La Spezia. It is a period of great excitement for the wine sector which is recording increases in both revenues and employment. Liguria da bere has supported this sector for many years thanks to the work of our special company which is responsible for organizing this event”.

“An event that La Spezia is proud to host – adds the mayor Pierluigi Peracchini -. This year Liguria da bere falls in conjunction with the absolute athletics championships which will be held in the city and this will give even greater visibility. Wine is a business card of our territory that travels around the world, promoting a flywheel effect that opens up new possibilities. I think of visits to cellars, which are often architectural works of art.”

Eight Ligurian DOCs on the stands – Cinque Terre, Sciacchetrà, Colli di Luni, Colline di Levanto, Golfo del Tigullio, Ormeasco di Pornassio, Riviera di Ponente, Rossese di Dolceacqua and Val Polcevera – and four IGTs: Colline del Genovesato, Colline Savonesi , Eastern Liguria and Terraces of Imperia. As always, the producers selected respectively by the public, by the jury of experts and by the fellow winemakers themselves will be rewarded. Ciofs is also part of the organizational machine.

The sector is healthy and looks forward with the hope of continuing to grow. “I bring an important data which is that of bottled wine, which gives an understanding of the market – he explains Marco Casarino, general secretary of the Chamber of Commerce -. This year we see an increase of 10%. We have no problem selling wine, but perhaps we have a problem finding the surfaces to produce it. It does not only concern the Cinque Terre but also the Colli di Luni”.

“If politics accompanies us with their tools we still have horizons to conquer – he assures Filippo Zangani, president of the La Spezia wine consortium -. We make a product that is appreciated, we would like more local bottles to remain in the area. The increase in surface areas is good, but this corresponds to a greater margin”.

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