Italy 24 Press News


Low growth in 2023 (+0.9), decline in the five-year period (-5.7%). Tortorelli (Uil): «We are a South in the South»

Basilicata’s GDP in 2023, not good: low growth (+0.9%). Basilicata was affected by a decline in industry (-2.7%) more intense than that observed for the average of the regions of Southern Italy, offset by the good performance of the construction sector (+8.4%, the fastest growth intense among the southern regions). This is what emerged from the Svimez report which estimates that in 2023 the GDP in the South (+1.3%) grew above the national average (+0.9%) with the contribution of public investments. In the North «growth slows down due to the slowdown in industry (+1% north-west, +0.9% north-east). the center remains behind (+0.4%)”. Among the first to comment on the data, the regional secretary of the Uil, Vincenzo Tortorelli: «The data released by Svimez on the 2023 GDP confirm that Basilicata represents a South within the South. Svimez reports that last year the GDP in the South (+1.3%) grew above the national average (+0.9%), but for Basilicata not only is the growth lower and equal to the national average (+0. 9%), which, a highly negative element, in comparison to 2019 falls by -5.7%, the lowest decrease among the Italian regions”. «From Svimez – continued Tortorelli – comes the confirmation that the construction sector in Basilicata has started the recovery with an increase in Added Value, at most 8.4% and positive repercussions on employment while the industrial sector has marked a decrease in Added Value of 2.7% less with the well-known consequences on jobs. In this scenario – states Tortorelli – we are even more alarmed by the Calderoli bill on Differentiated Autonomy, which is being accelerated with approval in the Chamber, because it is certainly not the modest growth in GDP, reported by Svimez, which occurred thanks to the extraordinary phase of public contributions arriving in the South, to overcome the gap with the North. How alarmed we are by the data for Basilicata compared to 2019.” «The Svimez data, which should make anyone who pursues the good of the Lucanian community’s skin crawl – concluded the regional secretary of the Uil, Vincenzo Tortorelli -, confirms that through the devastating effect combined between economic performance and demographic depopulation, Basilicata is moving towards a decline that must be stemmed now and not tomorrow.”

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