Italy 24 Press News

Soumahoro swoops down on Latina’s laborer: “Regularize all the invisibles”

The former champion of the laborers Aboubakar Soumahoro pounces on the case of Satnam Singh. The 31-year-old Indian worker was seriously injured in the Latina countryside; instead of being taken to hospital he was dumped outside his home together with his wife. Once emergency services began, he had his arm amputated but then died due to the severity of his condition. A story that pushes the Mixed MP, who ended up in Parliament thanks to the Green-Left Alliance but then dumped due to the wife-and-mother-in-law cooperative scandal, to launch his proposal on the topic of migrant workers.

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Singh “is unfortunately yet another victim in the food supply chain. And for more than ten years we have been loudly asking, together with workers, to regularize all the invisible people in our countryside, from north to south, because it is the only way to free them from illegality and recognize their rights and dignity”, thunders Soumahoro, among other members of the Labor commission. “Those who know our country’s agri-food system well know that the only way to combat gangmastering is to combat the injustices and distortions that are inherent in the food supply chain. In fact, the agri-food distribution giants impose low prices on farmers who in turn they crush the laborers with low wages. Unfortunately, the current Government did not accept my agenda which called for the introduction of the ‘food license’ into our system, to guarantee fair and equitable remuneration for the work carried out by producers and farmers. a decent wage for labourers, in order to guarantee ethical food. Through the regularization of invisible migrants and the introduction of a food license, exploitation could be counteracted by avoiding deaths at work, as happened to Satnam Singh in the Latina countryside”. concludes Soumahoro who thus falls upon the Pontine tragedy.

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