Italy 24 Press News

VIDEO INTERVIEW Aversa, Ferrara (FdI): “Zannini’s modus operandi will destroy the city”. And on Oliva: “If he wants to return, open doors”

“Giovanni Zannini’s modus operandi will destroy the city. The Dello Vicario and Alfonso Oliva must explain why they are allies of their worst enemies.” Michele Ferrara attacks the civic coalition led by Franco Matacena. Speaking to Italia Notizie, the commissioner of the Aversa section of Fratelli d’Italia specifies that these are not “personal accusations, but unacceptable political conduct. The variable alliances of the Deluca regional councilor are under scrutiny. “A Parete gets people to vote for the Pd, he supports Martusciello in the European elections”. For Ferrara, large groupings are not bad in themselves, “but they must be homogeneous, otherwise they are inconsistent and based on non-political agreements.” The city leader of Giorgia Meloni’s party criticizes Forza Italia and Alfonso Oliva in particular. The latter left FdI to support Matacena. “They said everything and more against the outgoing councilors Sagliocco and Innocenti, now they are part of the same team, it is clear that there is a political contradiction”. Will Oliva get his hands on Fratelli d’Italia again? “It’s political fiction,” replies Ferrara. He adds: “If he and the elected councilors want to return to support our coalition, the doors are open.” Finally on the outcome of the ballot: “It was our objective, the city loves Antonio Farinaro, we are very close to victory.”

Mario De Michele


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