Italy 24 Press News

PNRR between lights and shadows

Excessive project fragmentation. Virtuous administrations, others in trouble. Too many exceptions for hiring young people and women

«The re-elaboration of the monitoring data of the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan on the provincial territory provided by OPEN PNRR, continuously updated – declares Giuseppe Lavia, General Secretary of the UST Cisl of Cosenza – gives us an image of lights, few, but important, and still too many shadows.

Giuseppe Lavia Secretary UST CISL Cosenza

Compared to the almost 10 billion between PNRR and PNC destined for Calabria – continues Lavia –, for the province of Cosenza, 3,977 projects have been registered to date for a total value of 1.8 billion. 3966 municipally owned projects.

The provincial administration of Cosenza, with 78 million projects financed, is the third provincial body in Italy in terms of amount financed.

Overall, on the provincial territory the resources are distributed as follows: 368 million on Digitalisation, 417 on schools, universities and research, 69 million on Business and Work, 9 million on Culture and Tourism, 118 million on Social Inclusion, 170 million for Infrastructure , 571 for the Ecological Transition, 126 for Health.

Looking at the data of the individual municipal administrations, the city of Corigliano Rossano stands out with 82 projects and 85.41 million euros. Cosenza and Rende stop at around 23 million euros for each municipality.

Among the municipalities under 10,000 inhabitants, the figure for San Marco Argentano stands out, 18 projects for approximately 10.7 million, and Belvedere Marittimo, 17 projects for almost 8.8 million. Praia a Mare 20 projects for almost 8.4 million. The data for the Municipality of Trebisacce is negative, stuck at 16 projects for around 3.64 million.

In the range of municipalities around 5,000 inhabitants, Villapiana does well with 19 projects for 9.24 million.

In the range of Municipalities with a population between 15,000 and 20,000 inhabitants, however, the data of Cassano allo Ionio emerge positively with 26 projects for approximately 23 million and of San Giovanni in Fiore, with 26 projects for approximately 13.8 million.

Municipalities under a thousand inhabitants struggle, as was predictable. Laino Castello 16 projects for 2.9 million, Vaccarizzo 15 projects for 2.3 million, Marzi and Lappano with 2.34 million each are among the best.

Naturally, this is continuously updated data. The data on small municipalities requires serious reflection on a reform of the institutional architecture. Too many small municipalities struggling. It is necessary to support a merger project of small municipal entities, with incentive mechanisms.

In addition to the resources managed by the Municipalities – states Lavia –, other implementing bodies have benefited from PNRR funding.

The Archdiocese of Cosenza Bisignano for approximately 5.38 million and that of Rossano-Cariati for 3.27 million are among the top 5 Archdioceses of Italy for financing obtained.

Excellent performance of the former Cosentino Ionian Reclamation Consortium, with 80 million in funding, fourth Reclamation Consortium in Italy in terms of resources assigned. The former Consortium of the Southern Basins receives 40.6 million in funding and that of the Northern Basins over 30 million. The former Tirreno Cosentino Consortium stops at 4.8 million.

Tech4you, the project on Local Ecosystems of Innovation which has UNICAL as its leader, and involves the other Calabrian universities and that of Basilicata, obtains 122 million and is configured as one of the most interesting challenges on technological transfer and business creation and why not, also a model to be replicated with the resources of the new community programming.

Now we are at the most important challenge, the mobilization of resources, the realization of the planned works on time. IFEL estimates that the regional employment rate should rise to 48.5%, but overall we have too many exceptions to the 30% constraint on hiring young people and women, so we risk missing two of the plan’s major objectives, the reduction of gaps in youth and female employment. It would be good and right – concludes the General Secretary of the CISL of Cosenza, Giuseppe Lavia – for some Administration to try to respect the clauses”.

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