Italy 24 Press News

the package also includes the 18 employees

AZZANO – A business for sale as part of a judicial liquidationcomplete with the obligation to hire 18 specialized workers who have been working there for years. As a clause it is an absolute novelty, but as the curator Alberto Poggioli underlines, «employees are an added value, they have been trained to work on certain machinery and we need to start valorising them». The case in question is that of Tekna of Azzano Decimo, a company specialized in the production of furniture components that operates in two rented warehouses in via Crosera and in via Villalta. The appraisal report indicates 270 thousand euros for machinery and production lines, equipment, internal handling equipment and vehicles, office furniture and electronic machines, as well as 45 thousand euros for a leased machine. The sale to the highest bidder is set for July 31st in the Court of Pordenone.

The judicial liquidation dates back to February 21st. Within two weeks the business restarted thanks to Fab Srl of Pravisdomini, which signed the rental contract, guaranteed jobs for 18 employees and a purchase commitment for an amount of 195 thousand euros, in addition to the 45 thousand intended for leased machinery. As part of the process envisaged by the bankruptcy procedures, the liquidator ordered an appraisal, entrusted to the surveyor Luigi Tonegutti. «The estimated value is higher than Fab Srl’s offer – explains Poggioli – It is 270 thousand euros. The bidder not accepted to improve the offer, hence the decision to proceed with the sale to the highest bidder, however linked to the hiring of employees”.

Bids must be submitted by July 30th. Whoever comes forward will have to take into account that the rental contract expires on 7 October, until that day Fab Srl has the right to continue its activity in the spaces of the former Tekna. The obligation to hire current employees remains, for which the relevant agreement with the trade unions will also need to be finalised, with which an agreement has already been initiated. «We need to overcome certain logic – insists Poggioli – This company produces furniture doors, has special machinery, workers who have been working there for years and have committed themselves to restarting the business after the judicial liquidation. I repeat, they represent added value, hence the decision to announce the sale to the highest bidder, specifying that whoever buys will have to guarantee jobs for all 18.”


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The Gazzettino

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